
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Travel God's Path

Travel God's Path
"Not only so, but we rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance."
Romans 5:3
I counsel a lot of people who are suffering from a multitude of problems. I know that many people see their suffering as a punishment from God for all the sins they have committed, but so many times I find people who are suffering not from some sin they have committed, but rather from the path they are traveling. God is always aware of all the problems people face in their lives, and will close a door to get them to go in another direction. How many times have you heard people say that I had my goals planned from the time I was young. I knew what I wanted to do with my life, and worked very hard to make my dreams come true, but nothing is working out the way I wanted them to. So often when I hear people say this, I remind them that God may have a different purpose for your life. In the book of Psalm, the Bible tells us that all our days are destined to be, even while we are in our mother's womb. You may be going in the wrong direction with all your plans, and you may be suffering because God wants to get you back on the right path. We see from the story of Jonah, how God got his attention, when He did not do what God wanted. Jonah suffered in the belly of a fish for three days, while God got his attention and set him on the right path. I would encourage each of you, if you find yourself in a situation where you are suffering because you want to travel a certain path in your life, it may be God telling you that He does not want you to go that way. He may be closing the door, but there will always be other doors that He will open. Pray and seek God's wisdom and let Him lead you in the path you are to follow.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
March 12
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Is Your Future Secure

Is Your Future Secure

"No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him."
1st John 3:6

Are you living a sin free life? Have you asked Jesus into your heart? Do you feel comfortable in your daily walk with God, and know for sure where you will spend your eternity? These are important questions I want you to consider and spend time thinking about. We live in a world that is filled with sin. There are temptations that each of you face in your daily life. The newspapers, the television, the music, the lifestyles, the culture, and even the government all have succumbed to the temptations of Satan and evil, and are gradually creating an environment that is enticing you to compromise your Godly values, which is drawing you further and further away from Biblical teachings. I want you to think about the scripture above, which tells you that you have to live in this sin filled world, with all its temptations, but tells you plainly that you have to live a sin free life. When you are bombarded daily with issues like abortion, same sex marriages, prayer in school and public places, which go against all the teachings of the Bible, it is difficult. However, the Bible does not give you any justification to continue to sin. When you accept Jesus as your savior, and ask Him into your heart, the Bible is clear that you cannot go on sinning. When Jesus comes into your heart, the Holy Spirit also comes into you, and it will lead and guide you in leading a sin free life. You must listen to the Holy Spirit, read your Bible daily, pray daily and keep in the presence of God daily. This is the only way to resist the temptations of this world, and lead the kind of life that God wants you to live. This is the only way to know for sure where you will spend your eternity.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
March 11
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Monday, November 28, 2011

I Am Truly Blessed

I Am Truly Blessed

”Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful.”
Colossians 3:15

Today is my birthday, and is a day I want to give thanks to God for allowing me to have the life He has given me. God has blessed me with 69 years and so far pretty good health. From the time I can remember anything I was raised in a wonderful Christian family by a mother, and grandparents who loved me very much. They were the kind of parents that watched over me with great care, protected me and most of all gave me love. I could not have asked for a more wonderful family than I was raised up in. Then one day I met the most wonderful person in the world, my wife, Margaret. She was the most beautiful and precious person that God could ever have sent to me. I have had over forty six years to spend with her, and these have been the happiest days of my life. We have three wonderful children and six grandchildren. God has blessed me tremendously during our life together. He has allowed me to earn a good living in health care, which I have enjoyed, and being able to serve others while also raising my own family. But most of all I want to thank God for saving my soul, and giving me the peace, joy and contentment in my life that he has provided. He has been patient with me at times in my life, and has been there in my times of trouble. He has been there to pick me up when I was down, and was there also at my times of joy. He has been with my family and protected them over the years, and now they are all born again Christians. I cannot express enough, the thanks I give to God for blessing me and my family throughout the years.
My Daily Devotional Volume IV
November 28
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Pray For Our Nation

Pray For Our Nation

"How deserted lies the city, once so full of people! How like a widow is she, who once was great among the nations!"
Lamentations 1:1

The scripture above describes the city of Jerusalem after the Babylonians had destroyed it. Jerusalem was once a great city that had been blessed by God throughout the years, but now was reduced to rubble, the Holy Temple destroyed, and with its people killed and scattered throughout the land. God had invoked his divine judgment on Jerusalem because they had rejected Him, turned from His commands and were living wicked lives. Biblical history has shown us how God had blessed the people of Israel when they obeyed His laws and continued to worship Him. He let them prosper like no nation had prospered. He gave them miraculous power to defeat all their enemies, even though many times they were outnumbered. History also shows us what happened to them when they turned their backs on God, as many times he allowed them to be plundered and their lands taken. God has blessed our nation, because since it was founded we have followed God, much like He had blessed Israel when they followed God's laws and commandments. However, our great nation is slowly following in Israel's footsteps and turning our back on God. We are getting away from His laws, and becoming more like Sodom and Gomorrah. We have allowed abortion, same sex marriages, taken prayer out of our schools, all which go against Biblical teaching. If we don't turn from our wicked ways, it is not going to be long before God turns His wrath on our nation and reduce it to rubble, like He did Jerusalem. I would encourage each of you to pray that we will turn back to God before it is too late.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
March 10
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Guard Your Tongue

Guard Your Tongue
"The lips of the righteous nourish many, but fools die for lack of judgment."
Proverbs 10"21
I have written many devotionals over the years about the power of the tongue. The words that come out of our mouths can harm, damage and even ruin reputations. The Bible tells us over and over that whatever comes out of our mouth, comes from the heart. Words spoken that damage someone's character or reputation can never be taken back no matter how much you tell them that you are sorry, as there is always damage that can never be repaired. I remember my grandmother once saying that the tongue is an "unruly member" and if we let it loose it can destroy people. She gave me an example, and said that it is like throwing up a bucket of feathers into the wind, which scatters everywhere. No matter how much we try to retrieve the feathers we will never recover all of them. Our words are like the feathers, and we will never be able to recover or make right all the damage that can be done. Once they are out there, we have no idea where they will go, and it is impossible to recover all of them. Even though we wish we hadn't spoken them, and can apologize there will always be a trace that will remain. If there is a lesson I can pass on to you today, it is on controlling your tongue. Take time to think before you speak, and always remember, are the words you speak ones that will "edify, encourage, and build others up", or are they words that will "do harm, tear down and discourage" others. We need to be reminded each day by the many scriptures in the Bible, about the power of the tongue, and the damage it can do. Make it a point today to choose your words wisely, as they can do great harm and turn people away, but they can also be used to let others see the presence of God in your life.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
March 9
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Friday, November 25, 2011

My God Is An Awesome God

Got up with this chorus on my mind, even dreamed about it, sing it with me this morning and keep it in your thoughts for me today. "My God is an Awesome God, He reigns from Heaven above, My God is an Awesome God. My God is an Awesome God, He reigns from Heaven above, My God is an Awesome God." Sing or hum this with me today as you read this and throughout your day. Make Him your God today. "My God is an Awesome God."

The Joy Of The Lord

The Joy Of The Lord
"Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven."
Matthew 5:12
Did you know that if you don't have the joy of the Lord in your life today, it is your fault. When you know Jesus as your Lord and Savior, you have the assurance that you will spend all your eternity in heaven with God. This should be enough to always give you joy in your life. I know that many of you may be going through tough times in your life today, but this is no reason to not have the joy of the Lord in your life. I know some of you may be facing health issues, financial issues, relationship issues, family problems and many other problems, but this is no reason to let any of these circumstances steal your joy. Just before Jesus died on the cross, he told His disciples that they would have trials and tribulations, but he also told them to be of good cheer, for He had overcome the world. When you have Jesus in your heart, no matter what is going on in your life, you have the promise of His strength to see you through the fiercest storms. Because you have Jesus in your heart, you have the Holy Spirit which will supply you with God's power. Because you know Jesus you have the peace that surpasses all human understanding, and you will always have joy in your heart. If you find yourself in this situation today, dealing with trials and troubles, that have taken away your joy, but you want your joy back, you can find it simply by turning your life over to Christ. You know deep down that something is missing, and that there has to be more to this life than you are experiencing. Jesus can give you joy. If you don't have the joy of the Lord in your life today, it is your fault. Ask Him to come into your heart, and be your Lord and Savior, and you too can experience His Joy.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
March 8
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

A Husband's Role

A Husband's Role

"This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh."
Genesis 2:23

In today's world, we see the decline of the family, as over half of all marriages now end in divorce. This is not the way God planned the family, as when God made Adam, he gave him Eve as a helpmate. When the devil came in the form of a serpent, he tempted Eve, because she was the weaker of the two, not because of her gender or age, but because of her failure to know or fully understand the consequences for not obeying the commandments of God. Adam was the head of the household, and was to teach Eve what God had commanded, and what would happen if she disobeyed. We don't know if Adam taught her, as the Bible is silent, but we do know that Adam was not deceived, as he sinned knowingly and willingly. The Bible speaks much about the importance of the husband being the head of the household, and the responsibility of the family rests upon his shoulders, to keep and maintain holiness and unity with God and the others within his home. The decline in the family today is largely due to the husband not fulfilling his role as head of the household. The husband must be the spiritual leader of his home, and lead and direct his wife and children in the ways of the Lord. When God is present in the family, and the husband is the head of the family, teaching his wife and children the commandments of God, and using the Bible as the guideline for all family life, families will grow and prosper. The children will know family values, and right from wrong, and future generations will be influenced by these Godly values. Husband's, step up to the plate, and be the man God wants you to be, and take your position as spiritual leader of your family.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
March 7
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Quiet Times With Jesus

Quiet Times With Jesus

"Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues."
Matthew 4:23

We live in a culture today, where everybody is on the move. We are constantly in our cars, as we always have somewhere to go, and errands to run. We travel to work, to school, to the grocery store, and most people spend considerable time alone in their cars, just getting from place to place. When I think about Jesus wanting to go to another village to preach, it took Him several days on foot to go from place to place, as His travel was on foot, and was usually with His disciples. I can imagine that they spent much of this time talking to each other, and also spent much time alone with their own thoughts. I am confident that each of the disciples had their own quiet time alone with Jesus, sharing their thoughts and listening to Jesus ministering to them. Can you imagine walking alongside Jesus, and letting Him talk to you and give you His wisdom? In whatever journey of life you find yourself in today, Jesus is still there and will listen to you, and will share all His knowledge and wisdom with you. In the time you are in your auto, in this quiet time, do you take advantage to let Jesus minister to you? Do you take this time to thank Him for all the things He blesses you with? Do you tell Him the problems you have, and ask Him for help in dealing with them? All the time you spend getting from one place to another are opportunities to spend with Jesus. He can walk with you, and impart His wisdom and knowledge to you, during these times if you will only let Him. These are times where you can spend alone with Jesus, and let Him minister to you. So use these quiet times alone with Jesus to thank Him, ask Him for help, guidance, and wisdom, and to seek His will for your life.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
March 6
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Growing Pains

Growing Pains

"Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who gains understanding."
Proverbs 3:13

As I have grown in my faith as a Christian, I have thought will I ever get to be where I need to be. I know that when I first got saved and asked Jesus into my heart, there was much I needed to learn and thought that by reading my Bible and praying that someday I would reach that point where I would know all that God wanted me to know. During these past 30 years, after having read my Bible each day and praying to God for wisdom and knowledge, I still find that there is so much that I still do not understand. However, the more I read my Bible the more wisdom and knowledge God gives me about how to live my life each day. There are many days that scriptures I have read in the past just leap off the page, and I truly understand and know what these scriptures say to me. The fruits of the spirit that God promises us are being revealed more and more to me, as I seek the word of God in my life and apply it to my daily living. If you also want to grow in your spiritual walk with God, be faithful, diligent, and steadfast in building a closer relationship with God and let Him minister to you on a daily basis. When you allow God to minister to you daily, your life will be changed as you will feel the Holy Spirit begin to lead and guide you to live the kind of life God wants you to live. All the problems and trials you encounter, will not seem as overwhelming as God will provide you His peace and His comfort, even in the darkest moments. It is like going from kindergarten, to grade school, to high school and then to college, as you will graduate in each step to a better understanding of what God's plan is for your life. If you seek God's wisdom you will find it, and can live your life in a way that pleases God.
My Daily Devotional Volume IV
March 5
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Homesick For Heaven

Homesick For Heaven

"Now we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands."
2nd Corinthians 5:1

I have a dear friend, who has spent the past several years in terrible pain, due to cancer, which has spread throughout her body, and the radiation treatments leave her weak and exhausted. Her husband passed away several years ago, and she is struggling and just getting by each day. She recently sent me an e-mail asking me to pray for her, and stated that she was homesick for Heaven. Our life on earth is so often filled with trials and troubles, and often reaches the point that we just want it to end, and rid ourselves of the pain and struggles we face in our daily lives. We should all be homesick for Heaven, and long to be there, as there will be no more pain and suffering to bear. I know that during the past several years as my age is catching up with me, and the pains throughout my body seem to be more frequent, I also am getting more homesick for Heaven. It is a wonderful feeling to know that there is something better waiting for me, when this life is over. Physical death does not bother me any longer, as it only holds the promise of a new perfect body in Heaven where I will live eternally with my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I have always thought that each of us has a hole in our heart that only God can fill. That hole can never be filled completely until we are in our eternal home with the Lord. When I look at scriptures such as the one above, I am encouraged knowing that what lies ahead for me, and the great reunions I will have with my loved ones that have gone ahead. I believe God has designed us to be homesick for Heaven, and we will never be at peace until we share Heaven with Him.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
March 4
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Secure Your Future

Secure Your Future

"And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear."
1st Corinthians 10:13

The world we live in today is much different than the days of our ancestors, as there is so much more evil that is paraded in front of us, through our televisions, our music, and the overall lack of morality that is prevailing in our culture today. The breakdown of the family is a prime example, of what has occurred in our society. It is reported that almost half of all marriages now end in divorce. Homosexual lifestyles are becoming the norm, and abortions are common practice in the world today. Temptations are everywhere we look, and is causing people to turn from God, and seek the ways of the world and the devil. The godly lifestyle and Christian values that our forefathers held so dearly, has been replaced with one that does not value life any longer, and has been compromised so much that there is hardly any resemblance to the values of yesteryear. Our nation is slowly, but surely resembling the cities of Sodom and Gomorra, that God destroyed because of the evil and wickedness that was prevalent in them. The Bible tells us that in the last days that nations will turn from God, and that this will be a sign that Jesus will return before the whole world is lost. The scripture above and others like it, tell us that we do not have to conform to the patterns of the world, but to rise above them, and follow the commands and the Word of God. Our God is faithful, and even though we will be tempted, He will not let us be tempted beyond what we can bear. Even as the world is decaying around us, don't succumb to the temptations of Satan and his evil, but seek first the power of God, who will let you have victory over the evil, and secure your eternal future.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
March 3
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The End Times

The End Times

"First of all, you must understand that in the last days scoffers will come, scoffing and following their own evil desires."
2nd Peter 3:3

There has been much media coverage recently about people saying that the end of the world will happen in 2012, and even a book was written giving the exact date. The ancient Mayan calendar even told about the last days, and predicted the end of the world. It is common to see people on street corners today holding signs saying the end is near. During the turn of the 20th century many believed the end was coming, to the point that they stockpiled supplies to wait out the Apocalypse. Back in 1844 a Baptist preacher named William Miller used the prophecies in the Book of Daniel to calculate that the Lord would return in 1844. As a result thousands gave away all their possessions and stood looking into the sky. Some of the earliest predictions can be traced back to 60 AD, and since then over 100 other such predictions have failed. Many are saying that the recent earthquakes, tsunamis, solar flares, the corrupt governments, the rise in power of cults, and the overall state of the world are signs that Christ will be coming soon. No one knows when Jesus will return again, but it is true that most of the prophesies given in the Bible are now being fulfilled, and that the end times are now upon us. Although we do not know the time or the hour that Jesus will return, I would encourage each of you to be ready when He does return to claim His children. Once God does descend down from Heaven, it will be too late to change your ways, and too late to ask Him into your heart, and accept Him as your Savior. Don't put off any longer asking Jesus into your heart. It's not too late, today, but tomorrow it may be.
My Daily Devotional Volume IV
March 2
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Friday, November 18, 2011

What Is Your Goal

What Is Your Goal

"You ought to live holy and godly lives as you look forward to the day of God and speed its coming."
2nd Peter 2:12

Throughout the Bible, especially in the Old Testament, we see prophesies telling us what the future holds. These prophesies have proven to be 100% accurate in all situations, as more and more of them are coming to pass. I have always liked to know what the future holds for me, and I have studied and read the Bible through many times, and have found time and time again the things I wanted to know. There is only one future that any of us should be concerned with however, and that is where we will spend our eternity. This life is only temporary, a fleeting shadow, and will soon pass away. However, our eternal life will be forever, and will have no end. I know that throughout my life, I always have liked to have goals and objectives that kept me on track, and focused on what I needed to work on, as without a plan I would wander aimlessly from one thing to another, and never get anything accomplished. This always worked for me for most of my life, but the most important thing I now realize, is that I only need to have one goal and objective in mind, and that is to know for certain where I will spend my eternity. Nothing else matters in this life, as if I do not meet this one goal and objective, my whole existence in life will have been meaningless. I am constantly asking God each day if I am still on target with my goal, and asking him to help me make any change that I need to make. My goal in life is to make sure that I am living the kind of life that God wants me to live, and becoming the person He wants me to be. I know that my future is in God's hands, and with Him by my side, I know that my future is secure, and my goal will be met.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
March 1
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Let God Transform You

Let God Transform You

"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."
Romans 12:2

Accepting Jesus as your Lord and Savior is the first step to the beginning of your new life, and securing your eternal home in Heaven. The transformation of your mind is the next important step in this process, and is one that will change your life to one that God requires you to live. Being transformed, means that you will give up your sin filled life, as it can no longer control you, as you will have the Holy Spirit inside you to make you a new creation, a new person with Jesus in your heart. The Bible gives us the blueprint to the life that God expects us to live, as He gives us His commandments to follow daily in our life. The Holy Spirit will convict you when Satan tempts you to sin and do wrong, and you can be certain that Satan will attack you with all his power. There will be daily battles between the forces of good and evil that you will encounter, as Satan will tempt you on every front, to regain control of your soul, but God will be with you and will help you withstand these temptations. The transformation and the renewing of your mind must be a complete one as you must now make God first in your life, and turn from the selfish lifestyle you lived in the past, and not conform any longer to the pattern of this world. Sin must disappear from your daily life, and be replaced with the fruits of the spirit, as God must now control all aspects of your daily life. Through your daily prayer, Bible study, and personal discipleship, you develop a close relationship with God, and now give your life completely over to Him. You give yourself to God completely and let Him control everything and be transformed into the person He wants you to be.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
February 28
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Be Prepared

Be Prepared

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
Proverbs 9:10

As I was reading the newspaper this morning I saw where a local high school student was killed tragically in an automobile accident last night. He was only 18 years old and will not experience a life that so many people take for granted. So many around us, die each day, and I am sure that many of them are lost, and have not accepted Jesus as their Savior. It is wonderful when people live to be an old age, and have had so many more opportunities to accept Jesus, but none of us are promised a long life, as only God knows what He has destined for us. This is why it is so important to get our life in order and be prepared for whatever our fate will be. We are not promised tomorrow or even the rest of today, as we do not know what the future will hold. We all will die someday, and will end up in either Heaven or Hell, as there is no other options available. I have discussed many times in my devotionals what Hell will be like, as it is a place that has been feared since the beginning of time, and is a dark place of endless night, and a dreary place with no hope. Most people think about Hell more and more the older they get, but for many there may not be an option as their days are cut short. The only thing we know from all the verses throughout the Bible is that Hell is a place where we don't want to go. Heaven is the only other option, and is a place where everyone should long to go, as it is a place of peace, contentment, joy and abundant hope. There is no worry, no trouble or trials, no sickness, only happiness. I encourage you to think today about your eternal future home, and be prepared while you still have time.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
February 27
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

God Can Calm The Storm

God Can Calm The Storm

"He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak."
Isaiah 40:29

I just received a request from an old friend, asking me to pray for her, as she was going through some tough times in her life. So often in life we experience trials and tribulations, because Satan is attacking us to get our thoughts and minds off worshipping God. If we are constantly in turmoil in our life, we often forget about God and concentrate only on our troubles. This is exactly what Satan would like us to concentrate on and spend our time worrying and trying to just do damage control on our situations. When we spend our time worrying about just trying to get by the seemingly insurmountable problems of everyday life, there is little time left to spend with God and building a closer relationship with Him. This is why the Bible tells us that we are going to have times of trials and troubles during this life, but this is the time we need to be calling out to God to be with us during these times. Even though our problems still may be there, God can make them lighter and easier to bear. When God is by your side, you will be more at peace as He will provide comfort to you, even in your darkest hours. We see example after example in our Bible's where men such as David, Moses, Joseph, Jacob and the disciples ran to Jesus during their troubles, instead of running away from Him. They knew that God would be with them during these times and would provide peace and comfort. If you find yourself dealing with what may seem like a situation that doesn't have an answer, don't turn from God, but run toward Him. Ask Him to walk with you through your storm, and calm the winds and the waves. God is there for you, and will provide all you need to lead you to victory over the worst situation.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
February 26
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Monday, November 14, 2011

A Journey With God

A Journey With God

"They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint."
Isaiah 40:31

Have you ever had a "Journey With God"? A journey with God could be when you have just gotten married, and starting out your new life with your spouse. It could also be when you are moving away and leaving your family and friends behind. It could be when you are working on a relationship issue with a family member or friend. It could be when you are suddenly facing a life threatening illness. A journey with God could be all of the above and many other journey's that you might face in life. A journey with God will take you into the unknown, where you might face pain, loss, fear, doubt, and a future which is uncertain. The reason you need to have God along on your journey is that whatever circumstances you encounter on your journey's you will need a sense of His presence with you. We see in the life of Joseph, a journey with God. Joseph was sold into slavery by his brothers. He was wrongly accused by the wife of his employer. He was thrown into jail for something he didn't do. This journey took 13 years, but during this time Joseph did not complain, or lose his faith in God. During his journey Joseph learned patience and humility and that God would not leave him or abandon him. All of your journey's may not be as dramatic as Joseph's was, but you will certainly have trials and troubles during your journey's, and you need to have God by your side. God will see you through all your trials and troubles, and will give you His peace and His comfort during these times. God will lift you above all your trials, "you will run and not grow weary" and He will carry you through all your journey's. Don't start any journey in life without taking God along with you.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
February 25
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Fruit Of The Spirit

Fruit Of The Spirit

"But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control."
Galatians 5:22

In a back yard there once lived an apple tree and an old thorn bush. The apple tree produced nice juicy apples. Kids would climb up the tree and eat the apples. Worms would eat the ones that fell on the ground. Birds would peck away at the apples on the tree. The owner would prune and spray the tree to make sure it produced good apples. About 50 feet away from the apple tree stood an old thorn bush. Nobody ever messed with the thorn bush, as kids would shun it, birds would not light on its branches. Everybody did their best to avoid it and leave it alone. At first the apple tree liked all the attention, however as time went along, it started becoming envious of the thorn bush, and wished that everybody would leave it alone, so it could get some peace. The thorn bush, meanwhile was envious of the apple tree, as no one ever came near it or paid any attention to it. Both trees were envious of the other and wanted something different. As Christians, we are sometimes like the apple tree and the thorn bush. Like the apple tree we are taken advantage of by the world. People are always asking for our fruit and then walk away without saying thanks. People climb over us, abuse us and do all kinds of things to us, and we are expected to just sit back and take it. However we don't realize that God has removed our thorns and planted us where we are today so that we can bear fruit for others to see and be a witness for Him where ever we are. When we are like the thorn bush, however, we bear no fruit and only take up space along a fence line, having no meaning and purpose. As you read this think about your life, and decide if you are bearing fruit.
My Daily Devotional Volume IV
May 24
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Saturday, November 12, 2011

God's Will Not My Will

God's Will Not My Will

"All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be."
Psalm 139:16

When I think back on my life I can see many things that I would have done differently. I have made decisions that I should not have made, and did things I should not have done. I am sure I am not alone, as I suspect that many of you could relate to this. The unfortunate reality is that we can never go back and relive our past, and erase all the mistakes we have made. I know that most of the mistakes I made were ones where I was selfishly looking at things with my own self interest in mind. I can remember praying for things that were the desires of my heart at the time, and would question why God did not grant them. So often I would pray, and want an instantaneous answer from God granting my prayers. I now realize that God always answers our prayers, but what we don't realize is that it sometimes is not what we want to hear. God could, if He chose, grant us everything we desire, but so often we ask for things that would not be good for us, and we should be grateful that He didn't answer our prayers. Just imagine if God granted everything we wanted and desired, we would never have any trouble or trials in our lives. Everything would always be perfect as we would live in a perfect world if we got everything we asked for and wanted. The thing that I have come to realize is that my prayers are no longer what I want and desire to happen, but is that God's will be done in my life. When I am down in my valleys and the mountains seem too steep to climb, I now pray that God will deliver me, but in His time frame and that His will be done in all situations. God knows what is best for me, and knows what is best for you, in all the situations you face. My prayers are that "God's will" and not "my will" be done.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
February 23
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Are You Changed

Are You Changed

"I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again."
John 3:3

Over the years I have heard many people say they are Christians, but do not live the life of a Christian. Today, I would like to discuss what a true Christian should be like. When you make the decision to accept Christ into your heart and life by faith, you are surrendering your life to Him. From that moment on, your life no longer belongs to you, it belongs to Jesus. That is the critical part of what salvation means, and what I am afraid many people who claim to be Christians don't get. When you accept Jesus, you are a new person, a "new person in Christ." You have been forgiven of all your previous sins, and must start a new beginning. This means that when you wake up the next day, your life must be different. It is true, you are going to the same job, the same school, will have the same friends, but whatever was causing you to sin prior to you being saved must be changed. There may be situations in your job, your school, with your friends that caused you to sin yesterday, but today must be changed, as you cannot go on sinning after God has given you His salvation. Yesterday, your job, your school, your friends were the most important thing in your life, but today God has to be the most important thing. You now have to set aside time for Him, and make Him your first priority. All the other things that took up your time, your talents, your priorities have to now be changed to allow God to be first in your life. If your life doesn't change and you continue to allow all the other things in your life, which caused you to sin, are still your priority, I would question if you have truly been saved. Today, I want you to consider if you are placing God first in your life, and if you have truly been changed.
My Daily Devotional Volume IV
May 22
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

A Man's Responsibility

A Man's Responsibility

"I want men everywhere to lift up holy hands in prayer, without anger or disputing."
1st Timothy 2:8

Each day as I send out my daily devotionals, I try to encourage you and give you Godly guidance and advice, which you can put into practice in your daily family life. Today's message is directed at one of the core areas that is so critical to the spiritual life of a family, and that is the role of the man in the family. Men, you must assume the spiritual leadership in your home, and make God part of your daily life and your families daily life. This means that you need to spend time reading your Bible, praying for your wife and children every day, without fail. This is your God given role to be the leader of your household, and you cannot neglect this role. If your wife or children do not see you in this light, you are robbing them of the most important gift you can ever give them. There is no better lesson for your children than to see God in your life, and seeing how you are depending upon Him during all the situations that confront the family today. Seeing how God answers prayers, helps prepare them for the real world they are living in, and helps them to learn to be dependent upon God in their own lives. If you are not the spiritual leader you need to be, let me challenge you to start today and become this leader. Take the next 4 weeks, and take 10 minutes each day to pray with your wife alone, and another 5 minutes each day at mealtime to pray with your children. Spend 15 minutes each day with your family reading the Bible and discussing what you have read together. Spend just a few minutes each day at the dinner table just sharing each other's thoughts and needs. Trust me this 4 weeks and this 30 minutes each day will change your life, and your relationship with your wife and children.
My Daily Devotional Volume IV
February 21
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

God's Comfort

God's Comfort

"For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows."
2nd Corinthians 1:5

I get many e-mails each day, from my readers, telling me about all the trials and troubles they are dealing with. The people that are going through these situations call them their times of trouble, but God calls them times of trials and testing. I know that many of you are going through your tough times, whether it be a time of sickness, a family issue, a financial issue or a relationship issue, just to name a few, and don't know where to turn. You need to remember that God is not setting in Heaven planning these trials and troubles for you to deal with, but is wanting you to turn to Him as He is the only way of escape, as He is your Deliverer. The answer to any problem you may be facing is through prayer, reading God's Word, and establishing a closer relationship with Him. God can give you peace and contentment, even in the fiercest storm when you put your trust in Him. God doesn't want you to cope with your troubles all by yourself, but wants you to give them to Him, as the scripture above states, as He will comfort you. If you try to handle your problems yourself, you will hang on to them, but if you give them to God you will let them go. So if you are dealing with a situation in your life today, and don't know where to turn, ask God to help you, as He will comfort you and give you peace. There is no problem too great, or one too small for God to handle, but until you seek God, and ask Him to intercede for you, you are all alone. When you ask God to help you, He is more than able to provide all that is needed to give you the victory over any trouble or trial you will ever face, as "through Christ our comfort overflows."
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
February 20
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Keep Moving Ahead

Keep Moving Ahead

"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us of our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."
1st John 1:9

When I was a young boy about 6 years old, I was playing in our yard underneath an old tree, when it suddenly uprooted and fell on me. My grandmother was working in her garden and saw it fall, and rushed immediately and pulled the tree off me. If it had not been for her immediate action I probably would have been killed. I can remember many times when I was with my grandfather, hunting in the mountains, I would think that a tree was going to fall on me again, and still have thoughts of this even today. Sadly, many Christians still do the same thing in regard to our daily struggle with sin. We still hang on to the past and are reluctant to let it go. God only asks when we fail is that we humble ourselves to Him, confess our sins, accept His forgiveness, and move forward. We never get victory standing still or dwelling in the past. Our victory is won by moving forward. There will always be times in our lives when we will fall short, when we will fail, but don't accept failure and let anything that has happened in your past prevent you from moving forward and strengthening your relationship with God. God has forgiven you from all your past, and when you accept Him as your savior, you are a new creation, and one that should focus on what lies ahead. We live in a world that is full of sin and evil, and as Jesus told us, we will have trials and tribulations in this life, but we will be able to overcome any of these by trusting in God, as Jesus told His disciples to "be of good cheer" because He has overcome this world. So whatever you are battling in your life, never give up, as the old hymn says, "There Is Victory In Jesus."
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
February 19
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Serving God

Serving God

"You are going to be blind, and for a time you will be unable to see the light of the sun."
Acts 13:11

Are there days when you wake up, maybe not feeling well physically, or dealing with problems in your life, and serving the Lord is the last thing on your mind. This may be God giving you a spiritual test to see just how dedicated you are to serving Him, or it could be Satan's way to keep you distracted, and his way of leading you astray. Each of you are going to have these kinds of days, and the test is to serve God despite what you are dealing with in your own life. My message today is to let you know that serving God is something that every child of God is called to do every day. It is not an option, it is a commandment. It is not something we do when we feel like it, but it is what our life as a Christian is all about. Despite how you feel, or what you are going through, the problems of your daily life must never take away your commitment to serving God. When you have these kind of days, you need to seek God even more, and pray that He will give you the strength to accomplish all He desires you to do that day. You need to realize that you can't always rely on your own strength, to get through your problems, but that you need to rely on the strength of God to help you deal with them. Remember that when you are weak, God is strong. You will find that it is amazing how many of these kind of days will go by quickly, and how God will bless you on those days. God will always help you when you are serving Him, following Him, and honoring Him with your life. So even despite what you are facing in your life today, don't forget that serving God is not an option, but a mandate, as you don't want to give Satan a foothold in your life, but to keep God first, and let Him bless you.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
February 18
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

No Coincidence

No Coincidence

"As long as it is day, we must do the work of him who sent me."
John 9:4

I was talking with a good friend recently and was telling him about how my father was killed in battle during World War II, when he commented that it was a coincidence that he was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. After he left, I began to think that there is nothing in life that is a coincidence, as everything that happens to us from our birth to our death is not a coincidence, but is part of God's plan. The Bible tells us that God is all knowing, that He knows us while we are in our mother's womb, that He even knows the numbers of hairs on our head, that all our days are destined, even before they come to be. It is no accident that you live where you live, that you work where you work, where you go to school. It is no coincident the people in your life are there, as there are no coincidences with God, things just don't "happen". There is a divine purpose in our life, that includes the good, and also the bad things. I know that some of you may be going through bad times in your life today, and may be questioning why this is happening to you, but you need to realize that God knows what you are going through, as it is no accident, but part of His plan for your life. There was a man named Job, who found himself in a difficult position, and who saw his life crumbling around him. In spite of all his troubles, he never lost his faith in God, as it was all part of God's plan to later bless him abundantly. We never know how God will deliver us from trouble, how He will bless us, but our job is to hold on to our faith, continue to praise Him in spite of the problems we face, and know He will never leave us or forsake us. There are no coincidences with God, as he is with you.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
February 17
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Helping Others

Helping Others

"You are doing the things your own father does"
John 8:41

Everyone has times when the burdens of this life become overwhelming. Whatever the reasons, it happens to everyone. You wake up feeling like the weight of the world is on your shoulders. The joy, the peace, the pleasures of this life seem so far away. When you have gone through these valleys you know how difficult it can be. There are people that will cross your path today that are going through these tough times, and my message today is to ask you to help them carry their burdens. I know you also may be hurting with these same burdens, but God's greatest commandment was to love others as we love ourselves, and today I want you to concentrate on others. Helping others in their hour of need is one of the greatest ways God can use your own life, and you will be blessed beyond your imagination for your faithfulness. Bearing the burdens of others is what God has called all of us to do with our lives. When you look at the earthly ministry of Jesus it was dealing one on one with hurting people, and is the example He left us. Find someone today that is hurting, pick them up, help them carry their burden, make their load just a little bit lighter. This is what Jesus would do, and what He would expect each of us to do. You don't need a degree or be trained to show someone that you love them and care about them, and will be there in their time of need. Just an encouraging word, or taking a moment to listen to them, or a simple act of kindness or generosity can make a difference in someone's life. You see, without the Lord, we have a difficult time loving ourselves, let alone others, but when we realize how much God loved us, and sacrificed for us, it becomes easy for us to love others.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
February 16
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Friday, November 4, 2011

It Takes Discipline

It Takes Discipline

"He who overcomes will, like them, be dressed in white."
Revelation 3:4

Have you ever wondered if you are really saved? Have you ever thought that you are doing most of the things that Christians are supposed to be doing, but don't have real joy in your life? When you don't read your Bible each day, or pray each day do you really miss it? I would like for you to think about these questions, and ask yourself if this could be you. The basis fact is that your relationship with Christ is only as good as what you put into it. You can't develop a real relationship with Jesus in just one hour at church on Sunday, or at a Bible study once a week with your friends, or an occasional prayer sometime during your week. A real relationship with Jesus will only happen when you take the time and effort to make it happen. It takes discipline to make Jesus part of your life. You need to start your day with Jesus, reading your Bible, praying and thanking Him for everything. This may mean that you have to get up a little earlier in your day to make the time for Him, which may be difficult at first, but it is necessary. I can assure you that once you make time for Jesus each day, that you will begin to look forward to this time, where you can share your needs with Him, and He can also give you His peace and His comfort in your life. You will begin to live your life with joy in your heart and a quiet peace about you. You will begin to grow in your relationship with God, and the troubles of daily living will be easier to bear. The key to being a Christian is all about your daily, personal relationship with Jesus. This relationship is not only the most important relationship you will ever have, but it is the only thing that you will take from this life into eternity.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
February 15
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Is Your Cross Heavy

Is Your Cross Heavy

"You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it."
John 14:14

I know that many of you today are bearing a cross and a burden that is becoming heavy. It may be a serious illness, a marriage that is in trouble, a financial issue, a lost job, the death of a loved one, or a multitude of other problems that you are facing. How you bear your cross becomes the challenge that you are dealing with. In the above scripture Jesus said to "pick up the cross and follow me". For Jesus, the cross He bore was the sins of all mankind. God has not asked you to bear such a burden, but your own cross is still heavy and He tells you how to bear it. The Bible tells us that we will have trials and troubles during our life, but God will not give us more than we can handle. It also tells us that we can't do anything in our own strength, but that we need God to help us bear our cross. You must remember that God knows what is going on in your life right now, and knows the cross you are bearing. The Bible tells us also, that we are to be thankful for all things, and that includes even the problem you are facing today. Even though you may not understand why you are facing the trials and troubles you have, God knows and understands, as this is part of His plan for your life. Even though your cross may be heavy, God can lighten your cross and help you carry it. He can give you peace and comfort you during your struggle. He is with you every step of the way, and is there to help you. This is your time to reach out to God and get closer to Him. Let Him take control of your life today, and give you peace and let Him comfort you. The cross you bear can become lighter when you let Jesus pick it up and carry it for you, as He tells you to ask Him for anything in His name and He will do it.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
February 14
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Let God Restore You

Let God Restore You

"And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you, and make you strong."
1st Peter 5:10

Is your life in turmoil today? Do you feel defeated, and don't know where to turn, or what to do, to get out of your situation? If this is you, Satan has you in his grasp, and is rendering you helpless to correct your situation by yourself. Although Satan is crouching at your door seeking to devour you, it doesn't have to be a time for despair or discouragement. The answer to what you are going through, is to turn to God who is holding out His hand and is waiting to help you. To receive His help you must reach out to Him, and humble yourself in His sight, and He will lift you up. "Humble yourself, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time." 1st Peter 5:6 You need to realize that you truly do need God's help, and prayerfully come before Him each day, and ask Him for deliverance. You can't win the spiritual battle that is raging within you by yourself, but with God's help you can be victorious and conquer any of your mountains. To get God's help you need to start your day in the Word of God, getting up early and reading your Bible and praying to God to deliver you. Put on the whole armor of God so that you may withstand the attacks of Satan. You can't just give lip service and stand against the attacks of Satan, but you must prepare your hearts, souls and minds for action. You must condition yourself to pray, read your Bible, get to know God personally, and then He will be there to help you deal with any problem. God will provide you His peace and His comfort, even during the fiercest battles that are raging within you. Humble yourself, seek His face, and ask Him for help and watch God change your life.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
February 13
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

The Power Of Faith

The Power Of Faith

"Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see."
Hebrews 11:1

Do you believe God can do all things? Do you believe that with God, all things are possible? Well, the Bible tells us that over and over, and gives us many examples where the impossible has really happened. Moses parted the Red Sea, which was impossible. Little David defeated and killed Goliath, which would have been impossible. Jesus raised the dead, made the lame to walk, gave sight to the blind, and performed many other miracles that seemed impossible. With so many demonstrations and examples that the Bible gives us, why don't we believe that all things are possible with God? The answer lies in the fact that we don't have enough faith. Jesus tells us that if we have faith as small as a tiny mustard seed that we could make any mountain move. I know that many of you are having problems in your life today, and need to make your mountains move. You need to have the faith and ask God to deliver you from whatever mountain you may be facing. If this is you, get into a close relationship with God and ask Him for your miracle, and then expect it and receive it. This means that you need to make God first in your life, read your Bible, obey it's commandments and pray for God for your deliverance. The same Jesus that did these miraculous things centuries ago can still do them today. What you think is impossible in your life today, is indeed possible when you have faith in God. God can, and still heals cancer and many other diseases even today, when people have the faith and believe. Faith is such a wonderful thing, as by faith we have become children of God, and with faith you can please God, and with God impossible things become possible.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
February 12
Robert William Brock, Jr.