
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

My Daily Devotional

God’s Roadblocks

“In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.”
Proverbs 16:9

Just last week as I was going to a board meeting there was a detour sign that said the bridge was out ahead, and that I needed to go another way to get to my meeting. This obviously told me that there was trouble ahead if I continued on the road I was on. This reminded me that maybe sometimes God is putting up roadblocks in front of us when he wants us to change directions in our lives. We all know the story of the children of Israel and their path to leave Egypt after four hundred years of captivity, and inherit their promised land. Instead of God taking the shortest way possible, which was only a eleven day journey, he took them through the wilderness which took 40 years. In another Biblical example God led Paul and Silas to a different area to preach the gospel instead of where they had planned to go, this change could have changed the course of history, as only God knew what His plans were for them. I know that God’s plans for my life have been different than what I had planned for myself, and I am confident that each of your lives is different as well. I also know that I have not been concerned where God is leading me, as I am following the course He has for me. I realize that it’s easy to become confused and sometimes upset when God puts up a detour sign in front of you, and appears to be blocking your way and not letting you go where you want to go. But these detours could be God’s way of keeping you on the right path. God is not there to hinder you in your journey if this is His plan for you, but when you begin to wander from your plan, God can bring you back to the right path by His roadblocks. So, the next time you see a roadblock ahead, look to God and determine if He wants you to change directions.

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