
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Rebuilding Requires Action

Rebuilding Requires Action "Give careful thought to your ways. You have planted much, but have harvested little." Haggai 1:5-6 Do you need to rebuild your life around God? It is much easier to recognize a problem, than it is to do something about it. God's people in Jerusalem knew the Temple needed to be rebuilt, if their nation was to get back in line with God's will. They had set out to complete the task, but had become discouraged, and failed to follow through. Their failure to act over a period of years brought continued suffering upon them. The Prophet Haggai called the people to act, as he saw they were failing to do anything. This is a good example we can use when we are seeking to rebuild our own lives. We must go beyond the recognition of our need, and act upon it. We must use the keys God gives us to move toward reconciliation with God. Many want to follow quick and easy shortcuts, to grow spiritually, or to progress in their lives. There are some who don't mind following hook or crook methods to achieve what they covet in haste. God is more interested in how we do what we do, than in quick results. There are others who are spend precious time and resources to dig deeper, and do research about their needs, conditions, and gather all sorts of statistics, but finally do nothing about it. God wants us to go and do what He has already commanded us to do. His Word gives us clear guidelines and encouragement to accomplish rebuilding our lives, according to His plans. God is looking for people like Moses and Joshua, Samuel and David who will act on God's Word fully and wholeheartedly. God is not pleased with people like king Saul who does what they like to do, and disregard God's ways and His commands. You must be willing to act on and accomplish God's purposes in rebuilding your live. Be challenged and begin to take action, now, not tomorrow. Robert W. Brock My Daily Devotional Volume Seven March 25

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