
Friday, August 21, 2015

Bank Of Happiness

Bank Of Happiness "A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit." Proverbs 15:13 Today I want you to open a bank account, no not with money, but a bank account of happiness. Do your friends, neighbors, the people you work with, your school mates, anyone you meet know that you are happy, and have Jesus in your heart? Also did you know that God wants you to be happy all the time. If you are not happy, you will never be the kind of witness you need to be, showing others you have Christ in your life. How would you respond to someone who is miserable, always having a look on their face, like they have lost their best friend. Would you want to be like them. Of course you wouldn't. This is why God wants you to be happy. If you go around with a smile on your face, a friendly attitude, not grumbling about things, you are being an example to others who will want what you have. I have always felt that happiness is something that we all decide on ahead of time. It is a decision we make each morning when we wake up. You have a choice to either spend your day in bed recounting the difficulties that are going on in your life, or putting them aside and trust in God that He knows what is going on, and will deal with them for you. There are many blessings that God gives us each day, but so many of these we take for granted, and do not thank Him for. We need to wake up each day and thank God for all these blessings, and not dwell on our problems, but rather turn them over to God. He tells us to give our burdens to Him, and that He will provide all that we need. I believe that each day is a new gift, and as long as my eyes open each morning, I will focus on the new day, and all the happy memories I've stored away. Old age is like a bank account. You withdraw from what you've put in. My advice is to deposit a lot of happiness in your "bank of happiness." My Daily Devotional Robert William Brock Volume Seven August 21

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