
Thursday, November 7, 2013

Attitude Adjustment

Attitude Adjustment “A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit.” Proverbs 15:13 What kind of attitude do you have each morning when you wake up? This is an important question for you to consider, as your attitude often determines what is in your heart. By simply getting focused at the beginning of each day on the proper attitude we need to have, can have a tremendous effect on our families, our fellow employees, our schoolmates and on everyone we meet. Our attitudes affect others around us and we can either be a positive influence or a negative influence on all the people we come into contact with. God wants us to be a positive influence on all the people we meet, and not be a deterrent or negative influence on anyone. There are eight criteria listed below which I think is necessary to have the right attitude. 1. We need to wake up each day with the thought of being happy for the day. Happiness is a choice we each make in our own lives. 2. Don’t let the little things get you down. These are the killers that will rob your day of its happiness, and will keep you from reaching your potential for the day. Don’t let the traffic jam or the spilled cup of coffee ruin your day. 3. Don’t worry about things you cannot change. Let God take control of these circumstances Be content and happy and keep your attitude positive. 4. Appreciate today as it is, as you will never be able to live it again. Live it to its fullest. Make sure you have your attitude adjusted to be happy and not let anyone take away your joy for the day. 5. Learn to smile for your health. Smiling is the best way to get yourself geared up for your day. It will make you feel better and keep you in the proper frame of mind for the day. 6. Be content where you are. God has put you in your job, in your city, in your family, in your neighborhood for a reason. He knows all about you. Be content and trust him for the answers. 7. Trust God for the answers to the obstacles that you will face for the day and he will provide you with the wisdom to meet these challenges and deal with them successfully. 8. And most of all forget the past. Whatever happened yesterday or last week or last year is gone. Nothing you can do will change the hurt, disappointments and circumstances that have happened in the past. You can’t do anything about it so forget it and plan for the day ahead and the future. The future is the only thing we can influence. Our attitude is so important as people need to see God in us, by the way we speak, by our behavior and actions, and the way we treat others. Each day we have opportunities to minister to others, and having the right attitude is just one of the attributes we need to have to do this effectively. We have God's great commission to fulfill. By putting ourselves in the best frame of mind at the beginning of the day, we have equipped ourselves to put our best foot forward, and given ourselves the best opportunity possible. If you get up in the morning in a terrible mood, the best thing you can do is find a place and spend some time with the Lord. By learning to seek God quickly when we sense any attitude or behavior that is not Christ like, will help us prepare ourselves each day, and be the witness that God wants us to be. Just remember that your attitude is one of the first things people will notice about you, they will like you or not like you because of your attitude. Put on the best smile you can, and let your attitude be pleasing to God and others. Robert W. Brock My Daily Devotional Volume Six November 7

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