
Friday, November 15, 2013

Don't Conform

Don't Conform “I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances.” Philippians 4:11 I am sure that many of you are faced with situations today, where you are being influenced by the surroundings you are in. It could be your place of work, your school, your family, your friends, or the neighborhood where you live. You cannot change many of the influences in your life, but if you compare this to a field full of weeds, and in the middle of this field of weeds, there is a beautiful sunflower rising above the weeds. This sunflower has not stopped blooming, because of its surroundings, and this has not kept it from being as radiant and beautiful as it is. You need to use the same reasoning as this in your circumstances, as you can live among a bunch of weeds, but this must not let that stop you from blooming, or from being happy, and contented where you are. You cannot control the traffic on a busy highway, or all the shoppers in a large mall either. You cannot fix everything. Your positive attitude about your life and your circumstances and your own abilities, will keep you blooming wherever you may be. This attitude will be catching, and will rub off on the people you meet, and will be your way of helping influence the attitude of others. You are no better than the other complainers and grumblers, and people who are not happy, if you conform to their standards and have your own pity party. You must overcome the negativism that surrounds you, and be the sunflower that is blooming in the field of weeds. You must be the lighthouse that stands out above the rolling seas, and be the beacon for others to follow. God has commanded you to be an ambassador for Him in all you do, do your job, and stand out. Robert W. Brock My Daily Devotional Volume Six November 15

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