
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Don't Be A Roamer

Don't Be A Roamer "I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is best for you, who directs you in the way you should go." Isaiah 48:17 Three years ago, I got a new black lab puppy, which I named Annie. She was only 3 months old when we brought her home. I had just lost my best friend, Trajan, which I had for almost 10 years, and wanted another companion. Annie, was a roamer, not anything like Trajan, who was an inside dog, and one who always wanted to be in the house, by my side. Annie, however, wanted to be outside, where she could roam in our yard and in our neighborhood. Annie reminded me of the scripture above, in that, as Christians we belong to God, and have access to all of His wisdom and knowledge. We live under His protection and authority, and the Holy Spirit is there to lead and guide us in our life. We have it made, living in the presence of God, but like Annie, we are prone to roam and get out of the presence of safety, and God. As long as we read our Bibles, pray and stay in His presence, our lives can be filled with peace, joy and security. So often, however, the pressure and busyness of life, begins to take over, and we don't take time each day to spend with God. When this occurs, it becomes easier and easier to roam, and let the world take over, and begin to control our life. Our speech, our actions, and our thoughts, can start to roam from the things that please God, and soon we are out roaming Satan's neighborhood. If you find yourself roaming away from the presence of God in your life, you can make the choice today, to return to the fold. Don't let the busyness of daily life control you any longer. Begin today, to spend time with God, renew your relationship with Him, and let Him again direct your path. My Daily Devotional Volume Six April 7 Robert William Brock, Jr.

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