
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Our Time Is Short

Our Time Is Short "But you came and defiled my land and made my inheritance detestable." Jeremiah 2:7 During the past year the news out of Washington has been all about the debt ceiling, and the mountain of debt the United States owes, because as a nation we are spending more money than we are taking in. I am not a politician, but I feel that the battles we are facing as a nation, is due to getting away from Biblical principles and values. We have abandoned God, taking Him out of our schools, our government, endorsed abortion, and approving same sex marriages. I have felt for some time now that God is turning His back on our nation, and allowing these things to happen, as a form of His judgment, because we have turned our back on Him. I feel that our nation is suffering a spiritual crisis, much more than a financial crisis. Our nation has prospered in the past by keeping God present in our government, as regardless of what political party was in power, they still kept Godly values in focus, and governed by Biblical principles. God gave our leaders wisdom and understanding from the time our great nation was founded, because they kept their eyes on Him. But now they have turned away from these values, and no longer have their eyes on God. The wisdom they need to govern our nation, according to Biblical standards has dried up, and is not there, as God is turning His back on us. The financial issues, the defense issues, the social issues, the civil rights issues that are facing us today is just a glimpse of what will come, if we continue in this path. We will soon become the modern Sodom and Gomorrah, and God will bring down His wrath and punishment against us, unless we repent and turn back to God. Our time is short. My Daily Devotional Volume Six May 2 Robert William Brock, Jr.

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