
Tuesday, October 5, 2010

My Daily Devotional

My devotional today is about making choices, and letting God lead the way in making sure you make the right ones. I know there may be many of you today, that are facing decisions and choices which you are not sure about which ones to make. If you are in this situation, the first thing you need to do is pray and ask God for guidance. Many times the decisions and choices we make during life hinge on the balance of doing what is right or wrong in the sight of God. If your decision is based on deciding between right and wrong, a few moments in prayer will quickly convict you enough to follow the way that is good and the one that is pleasing to God. So often in life we are faced with making these kind of choices, and know deep down which ones are right and which are wrong, but greed, selfishness, or a moment of personal pleasure causes us to make the wrong decisions. This is why a moment in prayer will often bring us back to our senses and let us make the right choices.

Let God Lead the Way

“I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn the darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth.”
Isaiah 42:16

It is good to have dreams and plans for the future, as this is what keeps us motivated and many times moving ahead. Many of us have gotten to the place we are today because of the dreams and plans we made years ago. However many people have gotten where they are by circumstances that they have not planned for, and are living day to day dealing with things as they come, with still no plan for the future. I believe most Christians would prefer to follow God’s lead and stay on course, rather than go their own way and stumble along. I know that when I am uncertain about the correct decision or path to take, I can find direction and peace in my decisions by asking God for help. When we follow God and His plan for us, we do not have to worry about where we are going, as we always know that He is going to lead us to the right destination. One of the keys to unlocking the doors to our future is prayer. Prayer can bring us peace of mind when it comes to making decisions or deciding which road to travel about our future. Just a quiet time with God can give us a direction, and provide us with the wisdom needed to make the right decision, about what to do. If you don't know where the Lord is leading you, or are uncertain about the path to follow, or the decisions you need to make, don’t worry because you have the Word of God, and the Scriptures from God’s Holy Bible to give you wisdom and understanding to set you on your journey. God gives you His road map to let you get to your proper destination. If you follow the wisdom and advice found in the pages of His Holy Word, you will find success in whatever you do and wherever you go.

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