
Thursday, October 14, 2010

My Daily Devotional

Maybe my recent devotionals were written because I suddenly realize that I am getting older, or maybe simply that I have reached the point of my life (which I have heard other older people talk about) where they begin to reflect back on their lives. Whatever the reason I seem to find more scriptures as I read my Bible each day bringing me to want to write about them. One day we suddenly realize where did our life go, as it only seems like yesterday when we were young and just starting on our journey. Our future was ahead of us and we could make it whatever we wanted. Our dreams and visions of what lay ahead made us alive with every day being a new adventure as we tried to make our dreams and visions become realities. Then we suddenly realize that we are in the winter season of life and begin to reflect back to see what actually took place during our lives. We see many successes in our past, many times of joy and happiness, and many times we would love to experience just one more time. But we also see times of disappointments, failure, and times that we want to forget and erase from our memories. These mixtures of the good times and the bad times have gotten us to where we are today, and made us the people we have become. As you look back and reflect on your life I hope you have been blessed with more joy and happiness, than you were with disappointments and failure. I hope you are seeing the fruits of the seeds you have sown during your life, and that they have produced a bountiful harvest. Whatever you are seeing as the result of your life, whether it is a fruitful harvest or one that has not produced much fruit, I want you to know that whatever you see, does not determine what your future still holds for you. You may have accepted Jesus into your heart years ago and let Him lead and guide you through life, and experienced His many blessings. However, you may have rejected Him to this point in your life. If you have not accepted Him yet, it is not too late. Jesus is still there, and even if you are in the winter of your life, He is still waiting. He doesn't care what has happened in your past, whether you have messed up, and done things you should not have done. There is nothing that you have done that He will not forgive and forget. He is only interested in your future, and it is not too late to ask Him into your heart, and ask Him to forget your past and forgive you of all your sins. You can begin your life all over again today, and assure your future. May God Bless You.

Reflections of Life

“You are observing special days and months and seasons and years!”
Galatians 4:10

We all see the power of God in our lives when we make Him number one in our lives and follow His commands. As I look back on my life I can see how God has worked in me, and how He has influenced me, and made me the person I have become. I believe that in the winter of our lives God gives us the wisdom and understanding to reflect back on our lives and see our accomplishments and also our failures. Old age is winter for many people, but for those who are wise and optimistic, it is the happiest and most fruitful time of their life as they now begin to see the abundance of their harvest. We can see the fruits of our labor begin to be manifested in our children and our grandchildren, as they bring back the memories of our own childhood, and we relive aspects of our youth all over again. Old age arrives suddenly, as does the snow, as one morning on awakening one realizes that everything is white. However I believe that by growing old one learns to remain young, as we can now understand and rid ourselves of our shortcomings, because they no longer serve any useful purpose. We can now see how God begins to put all the pieces of His magnificent puzzle into place, and can begin to see His design, His purpose for all things and can see our part in completing this amazing puzzle. Even as through the effect of the setting sun on the beautiful twilights of autumn we can see our reason and place in God’s magnificent and beautiful world. Things that used to cause us grief, worry and strife no longer seem to be the important things of life as we now get a glimpse of the future that God has planned for us; a future that far surpasses what God has given us in this life.

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