
Thursday, October 7, 2010

My Daily Devotional

I know that a large percentage of people in our churches do not think they are called to be evangelists, but we all can do the work of evangelism. We are witnesses for God, to others wherever we are and wherever we go. Our mission as a Christian should be to share with others outside the church about the goodness of God and win the lost so that none will perish. However, I find very few Christians doing this, as it is difficult in our community to find people who are willing to work with the needy in distributing food, providing clothing or shelter, or even praying with someone who is having trouble. The lost are not in the churches or in the home groups. They are in the lines waiting to get food for their families, or waiting to get a pair of shoes at the local community center. The church family does not have to receive a degree from the pastor to be able to help distribute food or show someone that you love them. It does not take a diploma from the church to be able to pray with someone who is having financial difficulties and no place to stay. It is time to start putting the training to use, and time for our churches to actually start sending out their members to reach out and win souls for Christ in our communities, as each day we are missing out on being able to reach someone for Christ, and for some it is too late. May God Bless all of you.

God’s Great Commission

“Then the master told his servant, Go out to the roads and country lanes and make them come in, so that my house will be full.
Luke 14:23

As I have been growing in my walk with God I have discovered that in so many of our churches today, everyone gets so focused on the church community within the church, that we forget the community outside the walls of the church building we attend. Jesus gave us the Great Commission to all churches to go out into the land and make disciples of all mankind. As Christians we are to reach out and be ambassadors for Him, in our communities and throughout the world. I am witnessing so many of our churches who have wonderful programs set up, such as small groups, where the purpose is to train members of their congregations to go out into the community and reach the people. However, they are failing so badly in that they are forever “training” but never “doing”. They constantly minister to each other in these small groups, supposedly getting each other prepared. This small group then trains others, with the bottom line being that all the time is spent training to go out but no one ever goes out to become actual workers for God. This reminds me so much of a recent commercial, where as a man sits at a table choking to death on a piece of food which is stuck in his throat, while others are calmly sitting and talking about how to administer the Heimlich maneuver. No one does anything to help the man, but continue to talk about the procedure. It is time that our churches begin “acting” instead of “talking” about planning and training. There are souls that are being lost in the meantime, due to this irresponsible behavior. It is time to become a doer instead of a talker and actually reach out.

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