
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Lock Evil Out Of Your Life

Lock Evil Out Of Your Life

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
John 10:10

The other day while I was grilling a steak on our grill, I was constantly going in and out the door to our patio, and most times would leave the door open as it was a warm and sunny day. Sometime during all of this there was a large wasp that flew into our kitchen, and as my son is very allergic to the sting of a wasp or any kind of bee, we were very concerned about killing it, or getting it out of our house, before it could have stung him. All of this could have been prevented by simply keeping the door shut. However, this made me think is there other areas of our lives that we leave the door open where the enemy can get in. I can think of several areas that we leave open where Satan can attack. What about what we watch on television that is questionable, or reading books that do not honor and respect God? Are we a party to begin or further the spreading of gossip about others? Have we not been able to forgive someone for something they did to harm or injure us, and are still holding bitterness in our hearts? There are dozens of other doors that maybe we keep open where Satan can enter and influence or tempt us to do things that are not Godly. So often we think that someone else will look out for our children and family and protect them, such as the church or other members of the family. The more I think about this, the more I realize that we are the ones that need to be aware of leaving the doors open where Satan can come in and attack. It is up to us to keep evil out of our life

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