
Thursday, March 17, 2011

A Season For Everything

A Season For Everything

“He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither.”
Psalm 1:3

As I am entering the winter of my life I have realized that God has a season for each of us. In each of our lives I believe that God has things that He has planned for us to do and accomplish in our lives, and a time when these plans are to be fulfilled. During our lives we learn and grow and experience many things, some happy and joyful things, while others may be disappointments and hurts, but all of these experiences are part of God’s plan for us. God knows all things, and knew us before we were born, and what our path in life would be. As we go through all these stages, or seasons in our life, He is preparing us to fulfill His plan for each one of us. During our hurts and disappointments, He is walking with us, and allowing us to withstand the buffeting of the winds of the storms, and during our times of joy and happiness, He is allowing us to flourish and blessing us. But each of these experiences is part of His plan to let us grow and become what He wants us to be. I believe that in God’s plan, as we grow older, that He expects each of us to use the wisdom and knowledge that we have learned during our lives, to reach out and touch others around us. All of our life’s experiences were there for a reason, and that is to mold and make us the people we are today. As we grow older we enter our harvesting season, a time where all the seeds that God has sown in our lives begin to mature and bear fruit. God has planted us by His streams of water, and has tilled us and worked us, and our good works now need to bear its fruit in season.

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