
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Make Your Life Meaningful

Make Your Life Meaningful "But for that very reason I was shown mercy so that in me, the worst of sinners, Christ Jesus might display his unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on him and receive eternal life." 1st Timothy 1:16 I live very near the Ohio River and almost on a daily basis I see different size boats and barges pass by. The bigger boats produce a larger wake as they pass and the smaller ones produce a smaller wake. This reminds me that our lives are much like the wakes left by these boats, and the success or failure that we leave behind during our journey through life. We all make choices during life that either produces a good legacy or a bad legacy of our accomplishments. In the eyes of God our legacy does not consist of the money or material wealth we leave behind, but rather the character, the integrity, the righteous behavior, and the way we followed God and obeyed His commandments, but most of all whether we accepted Jesus as our savior. Boats don't have a choice of how big or small they become, but we do, and because we do, we need to understand that the size of the wake that we leave behind us depends very much on the amount of growth we are willing to undergo each day. Like the wake, if our success is solid and real and becomes part of us during our life, it will inevitably impact, affect, and be noticed by others as we travel along. This is because real success doesn't just bless and affect us, it in fact blesses and adds value to many other people's lives, much the same as the impact the wake of a big vessel has on others, compared to that of a smaller one that is seldom felt. Always remember that when we die no one remembers what we did for ourselves…but many remember what we did for others and this is the direct consequence of real lasting success. Make your life meaningful and lasting and be an example for others. Robert W. Brock My Daily Devotional Volume Seven​ April 15

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