
Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Breakdown Of The Family

The Breakdown Of The Family "The Lord God said, It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him." Genesis 2:18 In today's society we hear much about equal rights, and the feminist movement, stating that women are not equal with men, and are deprived of their rights. The Bible clearly teaches that God made men and women equal with separate roles to play. Paul, in teaching equality between men and women, was a pioneer for women's rights in a day when women were viewed as little more than property. One of the roles God has called men to play is that of a leader, a role many men have failed to live up to, leading to a perversion and blending of God's intended roles for men and women. If you read and study God's Word, you realize that according to God a woman is already equal to a man, they simply have different roles to play. However, in today's society both men and women are living totally outside of the roles God intended. Men are failing to lead in their marriage. They fail to lead in their homes. They fail to lead in their careers. They are not the leaders God has called them to be, they are simply followers. Worst of all, they are not the priests of their homes, having failed in this most important role God has called them to play. To fill the void left by men failing to perform their God-ordained roles, women have had to take on roles God never intended them to have. One of those roles is a woman working outside of the home to provide for the family. The lie of the world is that women have to go out and work. To all the men, YOU, NOT YOUR WIFE, ARE SUPPOSED TO SUPPORT YOUR FAMILY! This is not demeaning women or their abilities in any way. It is not a matter whether a woman can do the same job as a man, but the fact that God never intended for them to do the same job as a man. God gave a woman the most important job of all, and that is raising your children in the admonition of the Lord. No matter what else you may do in your life, that is the number one job and ministry a woman will ever have. I am well aware of the argument that both spouses have to work. The reality is, economics have not changed since the days when most women did not work. It is our desires for the things of this world that have changed. God's plan is for men to work and support their family, and women to raise the children with the help and support of their husbands. If you don't have children, there is nothing wrong with working, but the husband is still supposed to be the primary source of support in the home. Obviously, single moms, single women, those whose husbands are unable to work, are in special situations where you have no other choice but to work. Know that God will give you the favor, strength, and ability to provide for your family. Women, let me give you a quick word of counsel. This is why I share so often that marriage is not something to enter into lightly. Please don't rush into marriage. It is a lifetime commitment. Heed God's warning about being unequally yoked. Take the time to build a spiritual foundation together. Make sure that the man you are praying about spending the rest of your life with, is a man of God who is following God's Word and willing to perform the roles God has called him to play. Like I say so often, our way doesn't work and only brings consequences, God's way works and brings blessings. Let me ask you a question. Why should a man make the lifetime commitment to marry you, when you are already living together? If you have sinned and have had sex outside of marriage and have a child or children, that is still no excuse to compound your sin by living together outside of the bonds of marriage. A man following the Lord, living for the Lord, is NOT going to lead you into sin by living with you. The biggest problem we have in our world today is the breakdown of the family. When the family works, society works. When the family breaks down, society breaks down. The blame for the breakdown of the family has to start with men for failing to be the leaders God has called them to be. Robert W. Brock My Daily Devotional Volume Seven​ April 12

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