
Sunday, June 7, 2015

Be Happy

Be Happy “A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit.” Proverbs 15:13 Are you happy today and is your face cheerful? What kind of impression will you make to the people this morning at your work, your school and when you meet your neighbors? Is it one where you will be a good representative of God? If you start your day with a happy heart each morning, your day will be much more enjoyable. You will be better able to withstand the obstacles that Satan will use to try to destroy your happiness. By putting yourself in the best frame of mind at the beginning of the day, you have equipped yourself to put your best foot forward, and given yourself the best opportunity possible, to influence in a positive manner, anyone you come into contact with during the day. If you get up in the morning in a terrible mood, the best thing you can do is find a place and spend some time with the Lord. Being in His presence will transform you, and can change the course of a day where Satan had negative plans for you. By learning to seek God quickly when you sense any attitude or behavior that is not Christ like, will help you prepare for each day. You want the experience, you have with the people you come into contact with, to be a positive experience instead of a negative one. You can set the tone for yourself and others you meet by being prepared for these people and dealing with them in a positive manner. This requires you to prepare yourself to deal with these situations when they arise, and simply taking a few moments each morning will better prepare you to deal with these in the most positive manner possible. You can make your heart happy by asking God’s guidance, and your day will be brighter and happier, and you will be better equipped to make someone else’s day happier also. Put a smile on your face and be happy.

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