
Thursday, June 11, 2015

Do Not Be Deceived

Do Not Be Deceived "Be not deceived; God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows." Galatians 6:7 There has been much discussion during this past year in Washington about who supports gay marriage and who is against it, which is so sad, as our government was founded on Biblical principles, and the Bible clearly tells us that gay marriages are sinful and not of God. I deal daily in my ministry with people who have chosen to engage in perverted sex with someone of their own gender. I get emails daily from parents who are torn about attending the "wedding" of their child with someone of the same sex. My counsel to them is that as a parent you should love your child, but love does not mean you support their choice to live in rebellion to God's Word. God's Word calls homosexuality a sin. "Marriage equality" is simply a nice way of labeling sin, just like "pro-choice" is a nice way of labeling sin. Same-sex marriage is a sin. Killing a baby is sin. As I have stated many times, the United States is becoming a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah. State after state is now legalizing gay marriage, and continuing to kill innocent babies in abortion mills. The purpose of this Devotional today is to warn those who are not aware to what extent the pro-homosexual agenda is being fulfilled and to hopefully wake up the bloated, weak, and apathetic church that has to bear much of the responsibility for the moral decay of our culture. The goal of those who have chosen the homosexual lifestyle is to justify their sinful choice that is inherently destructive both to society and themselves. They are trying to force society to validate legally and ethically their choice of sexual behavior and relationships, and to enact laws that allow them to promote this sinful choice to our children as normal, even desirable behavior. Sadly, there are few so-called "Christian" in the news media with the guts to take a stand against the homosexual lobby in this nation. How long do you think a Christian newscaster or anchor would last if they took a hard stand for Biblical Truth on this or any other issue of the day? It was the church and a generation of gutless pastors who sat back in silence, or worse yet, actually worked to insure this sin would infest every part of our society. We have nobody to blame but ourselves. No sin is greater than another. The sin of homosexuality is no more, or no less a sin than murder, adultery, stealing, lying, gossiping, or gluttony. The reason these sins are being singled out is because those who commit them are proud of their sin and promote it as an acceptable lifestyle. People who commit adultery do not have parades to celebrate their sin. People who commit murder do not have political action committees to make murder legal. People who steal do not have high school clubs and try to teach children that stealing is acceptable behavior. Homosexuality is a sin in the eyes of God, and is something to be ashamed of, not proud of. Just because there is now a homosexual version of the Bible where they have literally changed the passages that call this act a sin, does not change God's Word. Just because there are fast growing homosexual-friendly, and abortion friendly churches does not change the fact God calls these acts a sin. I can guarantee you if I started a church that taught adultery was acceptable and wonderful behavior, I could fill stadiums on Sunday morning. God's definition of marriage is one man and one woman for one lifetime. We have literally watched marriage become perverted and destroyed over the past 40 years. The destruction of the marriage will be the ultimate destruction of our society. That is why this issue is so critical, because it destroys God's holy institution of marriage. If you are currently fighting homosexuality, let me tell you that God has never stopped loving you, and is simply waiting for you to turn from your sin and come back to Him. I pray that you hear these words, and choose to find freedom as it is only a prayer away, as our God is a forgiving God, who can set you free from this sin.

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