
Monday, June 29, 2015

God's Laws or Man's Laws

June 29 God's Laws Or Man's Laws "For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, (not Husband)and they will become one flesh." Genesis 2:24 "Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." I Corinthians 6:9 Friday June 26, 2015, was a day that one of God's laws and command was removed from the constitution of the United States of America, as the Supreme Court overruled God's Commands and imposed their own rule on the people of this great country. I am sure that all 9 of the Supreme Court members have seen the Bible and hopefully have read it, but I am not sure at this point. For the most part our great nation was founded on a religious foundation, and took our Bible and God's commands and formed our Constitution based on the teaching of God. Our churches have kept silent on issues of abortion and same sex marriages since 1954 when our congress passed a law stating (The Lyndon B. Johnson Amendment) that any church that takes a political stance on a candidate would lose their tax exemption 901C3 status, which would make any contribution made to the church not a tax exempt write off. So basically our churches got out of the political arena, became silent, and sold out for their 40 pieces of silver. What has happened since that time is that Abortion has been approved, God has been taken out of our school, and any government activity. And now last Friday, same sex marriage was approved. God gave Moses the Ten Commandments when He came down from the mountain for all people to follow, and follows up in the rest of the chapters of the Bible the other commands and laws we are to follow. But now God's commands have been replaced by the commands of 9 people, the Supreme Court Justices. I am sure that God has not elevated these 9 people to god's, as there is only one true God, and given them this power, to overturn our true God's command that a "man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, (not Husband) and they will become one flesh." Genesis 2:24 These 9 men and women (the new god's) did nothing to be given the power to change the laws that God gave us, they did not die for our sins, and obeying their laws will not give us an eternal life in heaven, only obeying the laws of God and asking Jesus into our hearts will give us an eternal life. Just the opposite, obeying this new law of the land will lead us to our destruction in Hell. All Christians have a tough decision to make in the days ahead, to either obey our new 9 God's laws, or to follow our true God, the one who died for us. Obeying our new gods and following their laws will lead to our true destruction in Hell where we will spend all eternity, in a lake of burning fire. Our Bibles warned us that this time would come again, as it did when the entire earth was destroyed by a great flood because of man's unrighteousness, and only Noah and his family were righteous enough to survive. This time came again when the entire city of Sodom and Gomorrah was destroyed, also because of unrighteousness, and only Lot and his family were spared. The Bible also warns us that the next time it will be Jesus himself coming back through the clouds to rescue only the saved, the ones that have asked Jesus into their hearts. We do not know how much longer this will be before Jesus returns again, and He will be the ones that will judge each of us. These new 9 god's are not going to judge you, only God himself, will judge you. You will stand before Him at His throne of Judgment and He will judge where you will spend eternity. These 9 new god's will also stand before our true God and be judged accordingly to their deeds. As our pastor said in our morning church service "making it legal, does not make it right." But if you are a Christian you are going to be challenged like never before to make a choice in the days ahead as to who you are going to follow, "God's laws and commands, or the laws of the new 9 god's". Expect persecution, anger, bitterness, ridicule, sacrifice and many other forms of abusive behavior, that will be thrown at you as you rise up and take your stand to follow God, and not the laws of Satan that these nine new god's have approved. Ask yourself this question, "Am I ready to do battle for the word of God and His commands, or am I going to obey these new laws imposed by Satan and his new God's." Also look closely at the other scriptures in your Bibles about God's commands about homosexual marriages. The two scriptures above are only a sample of what God says. All homosexual activity is a sin and anyone who continues this lifestyle, will not enter the kingdom of Heaven and will face an eternity in Hell, unless they repent of their sins and ask Jesus into their heart then they will live an eternal life in Heaven. My friends, I felt compelled to write this today and relate just how important this decision by our Supreme Court Justices really means. This relates so well with the law of legalized abortion and how man has overturned the laws and commands of God. We, as Christians have to choose whose laws we want to follow, either God's law or man's laws. God's laws will get you to Heaven, and man's laws will get you to hell. May God Bless all of you and I pray that you choose wisely.

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