
Thursday, July 30, 2015

Jesus Has A Plan

Jesus Has A Plan "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, but his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-23 Have you ever thought what would happen if you committed a punishable offense like cutting off someone's ear? In today's society you would most likely be arrested and probably spent some time in jail or prison. However, the night Jesus was arrested, Peter did just that, he committed a punishable offense, by cutting off the soldier's ear that was about to arrest Jesus. But Jesus stepped in and saved Peter, by touching and healing the soldier's ear. I am confident that this act changed the life of Peter, and especially the soldier forever, as they saw the compassion and caring that He had. It would be hard for us to help someone that was going to be part of a group that was going to kill us, as we would find it difficult to be as loving and forgiving as Jesus was. However, Jesus must have realized that if He had not healed the ear of the soldier, that Peter would also have been arrested for attacking a solder, and would also have possibly been killed. Jesus knew what He was doing, as He knew that He was going to be crucified, but that He had plans for Peter, and for Peter to be arrested and also put to death, was not part of His plans. Peter's slate was cleared, which made the way for Him to become one of the great men to carry on after Jesus was crucified, and to spread the gospel to the rest of the world. Much in the same way as Jesus did with Peter, when we commit a punishable offense, Jesus will step in and rescue us. It is after we have done the damage that we see His action on our behalf, as He will remove the evidence against us. Our slate will be cleared. Jesus reaches out to us each day with compassion and mercy to heal and deliver us, and restore us. Robert W. Brock My Daily Devotional Volume Seven​ July 30

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