
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Don't Dwell on "What If's"

Don't Dwell on "What If's"

"Counsel and sound judgment are mine; I have understanding and power."
Proverbs 8:14

How many times as adults do we reflect back on our lives and wonder "what if" things had been different? I know that in my life I have always wondered "what if" my father had not been killed in World War II, when I was two years old, how my life would have been different. Would I have been a different person today? Would I have had other brothers and sisters, instead of being an only child? Would I have married my wonderful wife, and had the children that we have been blessed with? Would I have had the problems and difficulties I had as a teenager? These are all the "what if's" I have thought about over the years. During my earlier years I questioned why God had allowed all these things to happen to me. However, as I have gotten older and wiser, I know that God has destined what my life would be like even before I was born, and knew all the things that would happen. I realize now that He had planned my life to be what it is like today. I have learned invaluable lessons over the years that have shaped me and molded me into the person I have become. If you are in a situation where you are questioning the "what if's" in your life, I want you to realize that God also knew about you from the beginning, and knows your situation even today. God has you where you are today, because this is His plan for your life. Don't dwell too much on "what if's", but spend the rest of your life making sure that you know what lies ahead, in your future. Despite what your circumstances have been, God is with you, and has always been. Let God lead you into the future.

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