
Thursday, February 24, 2011

There Is Only One Way

There Is Only One Way

"But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."
Matthew 7:14

This is a follow up to the previous devotional which again tells us the importance of keeping God first in our life each day. The only way to Heaven is to accept Jesus into our hearts, believing that He died for our sins and obeying and doing His commands. There is no other way to Heaven, even though we may hear Oprah, the Scientologist Cult, and many other new age religions teach that there are other ways. Let me tell you plainly that the only way to an eternal life is through the shed blood of Jesus Christ. If you think there is any other way, you are being deceived, and better wake up before it is too late. The scriptures used in these two devotionals are the words of Jesus, and tell us that many are going to be deceived by false teachings and will not find their way to heaven, as the doors and roads to heaven are narrow. Another scripture which you need to remember is, "Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." Matthew 19:24 This is another scripture from the mouth of Jesus warning us, about the kind of life we need to live. I do not want anyone to be deceived into thinking that the road to Heaven in an easy one. You must make a sacrifice and make God first in your life. You must eliminate sin from your life. You must turn your life over to God fully, not just give Him the crumbs from your table. You must spend time with Him, use your talents and gifts for Him. You must get your mind off yourself, and make Him first. This is the one and only way to Heaven.

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