
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Do You Have Doubts

Do You Have Doubts

"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption that came by Christ Jesus."
Romans 3:23-24

If you died right now do you know for sure that you would go to Heaven? Do you have any doubts where you will spend your eternity? There are only two choices, either Heaven or Hell. God loves you very much. He doesn't want you to go to Hell. In fact, He loves you so much that He sent His Son Jesus to die on the cross for you. The scripture above tells us that we have all sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God. You have sinned and I have sinned, but by the grace of God, we have been given an opportunity to be redeemed by the shed blood of Jesus. Jesus actually lifted the sin from us and placed it upon Himself. When they nailed Jesus to the cross, the blood that came from Him cleansed our sin. When He died on the cross He paid the price for our sin, which was His death. They buried Jesus but He arose from the dead, and conquered death and sin. So through His death, He gave us the promise of an eternal life. You can't be baptized into Heaven, be good to get to Heave, pay money to get to Heaven. In fact, you can't do anything to get into Heaven, except to accept the payment Jesus made for your sin on the cross of Calvary, and receive Him as your personal Lord and Savior. The only way you can get to Heaven is found in the scripture below. "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." Romans 10:13 So if you have any doubts today about where you will spend your eternity, today may be your last chance to ask Him into your heart. You are not promised tomorrow, and this could be your last chance to make the most important decision you can ever make. Don't delay.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
June 9
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Be An Encourager

Be An Encourager

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing."
1st Thessalonians 5:11

The scripture above is the word of encouragement by the Apostle Paul to the Christians in the town of Thessalionica. Whenever I see a "therefore" in Scripture I usually ask myself what is it there for? In this case the preceding words have everything to do with why we are asked to build each other up. "For God did not appoint us to suffer wrath but to receive salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ. He died for us so that, whether we are awake or asleep, we may live together with Him." 1st Thessalonians 5:9-10. We live in a time were criticism and complaint is so prevalent, as people are so critical and judgmental of others, but encouraging others is so easy to do, but so few people take advantage to give an encouragement to others. Look at yourself, are you quick to offer words that build others up, or do you offer words that tear others down? What do others think about you? Do the people in your life see you as an encourager? Whether we are awake or asleep, whether alive or dead on this earth, we are alive to our Lord that we may live with Him and for Him. So encouraging one another makes huge sense. We should be known as a people builder, and others should see us be an encourager instead of as a destroyer. We should build people up, not tear them down. Our words, our actions, our behavior should always be an encouragement to others. We should always offer words of encouragement that will touch others hearts, and let them know that God is in control of our lives. Get rid of your negative thinking, be a positive Christian, let your light shine, wherever you are. May you be aware of our loving God building you up, just as you build others up.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
June 8
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Don't Let Wealth Control You

Don't Let Wealth Control You

“You may say to yourself, my power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me. But remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth.”
Deuteronomy 8:18

The Bible gives us so much good advice about the power and use of money, but the scripture shown above is one of my favorite verses. Since time began the importance and value of money has been such a controlling influence in the lives of man, that God has over 2,350 references to money and material things in the Bible. Money is intoxicating; it is like a drug and can be addictive and can change people’s lives forever. We can be consumed by money. It can enslave us. It can consume our thoughts. It can dictate our lives, and it can control our behavior. Money can become our gods, and the Bible tells us to worship no other God, but I believe many people worship their money and material possessions, and it becomes their gods. They become totally dependent upon it. Money and wealth does not bring happiness, but many times can destroy happiness in people’s lives. I can remember growing up in my small town in southeastern Kentucky. We had very little money as I grew up, as my family were farmers and coal miners, but we were content with what we had, and lived a very happy life. We were not dependent upon money and material things for our happiness, but rather enjoyed and depended first upon God, and then on our own abilities to provide our needs. Your success in life is much more than your materialistic possessions, it is your faith in God that will provide you with peace, joy and happiness, and things that mean most to you. Don't make money and wealth your priority in life, as God will provide all that you need.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
June 7
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

It's Not Too Late

It's Not Too Late

"When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies."
John 8:44

In this scripture Jesus is describing what the devil is like, and calls him the "father of lies". Satan's role on earth is to lead everyone astray, to tempt you, in every possible way to sin. He wants to steal your hope, steal your joy, steal your peace, steal all the abundance that this life can be, but most of all he wants to steal your soul. He wants you to reject God, enjoy your sin filled life so you will be forever separated from God. If you are a Christian, he wants to destroy your testimony, destroy your ability to serve God, destroy the plan and purpose God has for your life. You need to realize that Satan is not playing games, he is deadly serious, as he wants you to spend your eternity with him in the Lake of Fire that will be his and your eternal home if you follow him. Satan doesn't care if you are young or old, if you are male or female, if you are white or black, if you are rich or poor, or if you are intelligent or not. He only wants your soul, and doesn't care how he gets it. I realize that what I say can't force you to follow God, but I want you to think whether a few moments of pleasure in this life is worth an eternity spent in Hell. Eternity is forever, and is never ending. It is a place of darkness, spent in a fiery burning lake of fire which will never end, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth, that will last forever and ever. I don't want that for you, as you can escape this kind of future, by simply asking Jesus to come into your heart today. Jesus will forgive you of all your past sins, and make you white as snow, and then you will spend all your eternity in Heaven. Take just a few moments today, and ask yourself if you want to follow Satan and risk an eternity in Hell.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
June 6
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Hear And Obey

Hear And Obey

"Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it."
Luke 11:28

Do you hear God's Holy Words, and are you obeying them? Throughout the Bible God gives you His commands and instructions that you are to follow, but do you follow these commands, or just go about doing your own thing. Naturally, I am not able to address all of these commands in this one devotional, but I want you to just take a moment and think about God's commands as you go about your daily routine. I have encouraged you repeatedly in prior devotionals, to take time each morning to read your Bible, to pray, and spend a few minutes getting closer to God. It is so important for you to develop a closer relationship with God in your daily walk, as it is only with this closer relationship, that you will begin to hear God speaking to you through the Holy Spirit. God will speak to you through gentle whispers, and lead and guide you on the path He wants you to follow. You will begin to hear the word of God speak to your heart, as you go about your day, when you make Him first in your life. There will be choices and decisions you will make each day, which will be ones that God would approve of, or they can be ones that will lead you toward the ways of the world. If you have the Holy Spirit within you, you will not only hear the word of God, but you will be convicted when you do not obey it. God wants you to obey all His commands, not just some of them. This is not a test where you can get 75% correct and still pass, as God expects you to be 100% right all the time. In other words, God wants you to obey all his commands, not pick and choose which ones to obey. “But you know that he appeared so that he might take away our sins. And in him is no sin. No one who lives in him keeps on sinning. No one who continues to sin has either seen him or known him.” 1st John 3:5-6 Actually, I believe the reason why most people do not obey God's commands and continue to sin is that they want to sin, as it is many times more comfortable to sin, than to do what is right. We like our comfort too much, Let me give you an example. If someone pulls in front of you on a busy highway, and then slows down and you miss getting through your red light, it is easy to want to blow your horn and say, "not nice things" about them, as this is easy for you to do. However, it takes more constraint and will power to control yourself, and even say a silent prayer for them. It is much easier to sin in this example, than it is to do what is right. Take a moment to think about other examples that come up in your daily life, where you find that it is easier to sin than resist. Maybe a co-worker tells a lie about you and gets you in trouble. It is easier to hold a grudge, and do everything you can to get revenge, than to forgive them. What if you get a phone call from a good friend who wants to talk to you, but you just aren't in the mood to talk to them right now, do you tell them a little white lie that someone is at the door or on the other phone and you have to go. It is easier to tell a lie, than it is to tell the truth. All of these are simple examples, which I am sure you have been guilty of at some point in your life. It was easier to commit a sin and not follow God's commands, than it was to do the right thing. These kinds of sins become habits, and become easier and easier the more you do them. I want to encourage you today to seriously think about how you are obeying God's commands in your daily life. All of God's commands are meant to be followed, and there are no exceptions. When you accept Christ as your savior, you are to live a life free from sin. God has given you the Bible to tell you the kind of life He wants you to live, from the moment you asked Him into your heart. Think about all of God's word today and put them into practice.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
June 5
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Are You Selfish

Are You Selfish

"So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets"
Matthew 7:12

The above scripture is one of the most important ones we will find in the Bible, as it gives us so much wisdom as to how we are to treat others. When we come into the world, it is all about us, and our wants and desires. We are born thinking only about ourselves, and the things that please us. We are selfish and only think about getting our wants and needs satisfied. God, however tells us that we need to love others as we love ourselves. This means that instead of always thinking about ourselves, that our thoughts should take into account others. This is difficult to do, as we make decisions and choices each day, and the majority of these are what will make us happy and make our lives more enjoyable. Most people seldom consider others, when they make these daily choices. We go to the malls and buy things that bring us pleasure, rarely thinking that the money we spent, could be better used to feed the hungry at the local community center, or to provide shelter to a homeless person. We should consider what Jesus would do in a situation like this. Would He buy the newest cell phone, or would He help feed someone who was hungry. Rarely, do most people think about others, but only think about what would make them happy. The majority of our nation and our people are rich in comparison to the rest of the world. God provides our needs and so much more, but we continue to want the bigger house, the biggest car and all the other luxuries that we can afford. I would encourage each of you to search your hearts, and see if you are following the message in the scripture above and loving others as you love yourself.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
June 4
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Choose Your Words Wisely

Choose Your Words Wisely

"A wise man's heart guides his mouth, and his lips promote instruction."
Proverbs 16:23

The Bible gives us many instructions as to the use of our words, and the encouragement they can do, or the damage they can do. Choosing our words is so important, as I have seen relationships destroyed by poor choices of words, made in the heat of the moment. Words spoken in anger, which are meant to hurt someone, can be one of the most destructive forces that we use to destroy someone's self worth and confidence. I have seen reputations destroyed during my business career, because someone told lies about their fellow employees, and even though they tried to later take back their words, things never were the same. It is like taking a bucket of feathers and tossing them into the wind, and even though we may try to collect all of them, they can never be collected as people will judge others because of these damaging words. It is so important to think before we speak, and select the words we use when talking about others. We should never judge others, as we do not know their hearts, and we must leave God to be their judge. Our words should always be ones to encourage others, instead of being negative, constantly complaining and bringing others down. If we do not have positive things to say we should remain silent and not say anything. Christian's should be positive instead of negative in all that they do, as if we are constantly complaining and griping about things, why would anyone want to be like us. How can we show the love of Jesus if we are sad, unhappy, and constantly being negative. We should be an example, always uplifting others, instead of complaining about our own problems and difficulties. Our words should always show God's love.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
June 3
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

God Is Waiting

God Is Waiting

"The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."
2nd Peter 3:9

So often in life we want things done immediately, in our own time frame. The one thing that we need to remember is that God has a time for all things, which necessarily is not what we always want to hear or wait for. Many times we pray when we are in trouble, when we have problems, when our mountains get too high, asking God for help. It is in these times that we reach out to God, asking Him for help. If we want God to answer our prayers and to help us, we need to go to Him in our good times as well, thanking Him for all the blessings that He provides each day. God does not want us to reach out to Him only in our times of trouble, but to reach out to Him each day when things are also going good in our lives. God is just, and He is also patient with us, and only wants the best for us. He has a plan for everyone, and that plan is that He wants us to repent of our sins and live our life for Him, and accept His salvation. I know that many of you may be facing some tough issues today that only God can solve, and ones that you don't see how you can resolve on your own. However, God is there for you, He can give you peace and comfort you even in the darkest hours, when there seems to be no hope. God only wants the best for you, and loves you so much that He gave His only son to die on the cross for your sins. Take a few moments today to share your burdens with Him. Let Him comfort you and show you His love, His grace and His mercy. Put God first in your life and He will bless you in all that you do, but most of all He will give you an eternal life.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
June 2
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

You Reap What You Sow

You Reap What You Sow

"Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed."
James 5:16

As I have studied my Bible, I have seen God's system so often in my life which operates on the principal of sowing and reaping. I have seen that when I have sown seeds of blessings into others lives, that I have reaped more blessings than I have sown. I believe the same thing happens when you pray for one another, as when you pray for someone and their problems, you get your mind off yourself and onto others. You're sowing a seed in someone else's life, but God also does something in return in your own life. The more seeds you sow the bigger your own blessings will be. You can't out give God, as if you sow a hundred fold you will reap a thousand fold. You should not do this to simply want to get more than you receive, but should do it because you want to help someone and show that you love them. God gives us His greatest commandment which Is to love Him with all our heart, mind and strength, and then to love others as we love ourselves. Is there someone in your life that you can pray for? Maybe it's a friend, a fellow employee, a school mate, or someone that crosses your path that may need a prayer. They don't have to be present when you pray for them, as you can pray for them as you go about your day, or even while driving to work. Remember, when you pray for others, you are opening the door for God to also move mightily in your own life. Take just a moment throughout your day to pray for someone, as God has commanded you to do. Direct your thoughts and prayers towards someone that needs God to help them get through a tough time in their life. When you do this you will be honoring God, and His blessings will begin to flow back to you.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
June 1
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Monday, February 20, 2012

It's For Your Own Good

It's For Your Own Good

"And if we are careful to obey all this law before the Lord our God, as he has commanded us, that will be our righteousness."
Deuteronomy 6:25

There are not many children as they were growing up that did not hear their parents tell them, "It's For Your Own Good", when they had done wrong? So often they may not have always agreed with their parents at the time, but later ended up finding out the hard way that their parents were right. The same is true with God. We might not always understand why certain things happen, or why He wants us to do things a certain way, but God ALWAYS knows what's best for us. God gives us the freedom to make our own choices, and sometimes our choices get us into trouble. When we do make wrong choices God is always there to help us through the aftermath of these bad choices, because that's what a loving Father does. But think how much better off we would be if we would take heed to His Word in the first place. When you accept Jesus as your savior, the Holy Spirit is there to direct you and lead you on the right path. When you listen to the gentle whispers that God will speak to you, when you are being tempted to do wrong, and turn from temptation, God's peace and contentment will surround you. If you are dealing with issues today where you are uncertain about what steps to take, I would encourage you to open your hearts, let God speak to you, let Him give you the wisdom and courage to do what is right and good. Follow these gentle whispers and obey them, and let them lead and guide you in the direction you need to go. Let them direct your path, and lead you to fulfill God's promise that He will never leave you or forsake you. Let God lead you to an eternal life, "it's for your own good."
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
May 31
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Are You Ready

Are You Ready

"Humble yourself before the Lord, and he will lift you up."
James 4:10

When I turned on the television this morning there was a report that said that the population of the world this week would exceed "Seven Billion" people. Do you realize that all seven billion of these people are sinners? Each one of these seven billion people have one thing in common, as they will all die, unless Christ comes first to claim His children. Each of these people will spend their eternity in either hell or Heaven. Death is the great equalizer, and does not spare the rich man from the poor man, as it will claim all people. For many of these people, today will be their last day on this earth as their life will end, and their fate will be sealed. They will have no tomorrow to get their life in order, no time to accept the saving grace of Jesus, and all the wealth, money, and material possessions they accumulated will not matter anymore. Yes, death is the great equalizer, and it spares no man. If you were one of these people that death will call on today, do you know where you will spend your eternity? In the few short years you have on this earth, which James calls "a vapor", have you prepared for your eternal home? Have you spent your time laying up treasures that will rust and rot away, or have you been laying up treasures in Heaven? These are serious questions that only you can answer, as no one can help you, and you are on your own. I want to impress upon you the seriousness of this important matter as when you take your last breath, you need to be prepared to meet Jesus, as you will not have another opportunity. I encourage you to think about this, and take a moment right now and ask Jesus into your heart, as you still have time to accept His offer to spend your eternity with Him.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
May 30
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

The Wrath Of God

The Wrath Of God

"The wrath of God is being revealed from Heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of men who suppress the truth by their wickedness, since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them."
Romans 1:18-19

We often hear people speak about the wrath of God, but do we really understand how God will deal with those who continue to deny Him and continue in their wickedness and in their evil ways. We can see the wrath of God simply by looking at the story of Noah. God looked down on the earth He had created and found it was evil and wicked, and He sent a great flood that destroyed it completely, and all that was in it. We can see the same thing happening in the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, as they were wicked and evil, and He destroyed all except Lot's family, the only ones that were found to be righteous.
Scriptures like the one above warns us about the wrath of God and how the evil and wicked will be dealt with. We need to heed God's warnings, as all people have an opportunity to hear and read God's Holy Word, and ask for and receive God's forgiveness. God's judgment will be harsh, and many do not realize the future they face if they do not turn from their life of sin, and accept Jesus as their savior. We are not promised that we will see another day, and may not have another chance to be forgiven of our sins, so today is a critical one in the lives of so many people. If you have not received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, this may be the last chance you have to make your future secure. You don't have to face the wrath of God if you make things right today, before it is too late. Take just a moment now to accept Christ as your savior, and secure your eternal future, and avoid the wrath of God.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
May 29
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Friday, February 17, 2012

God Is With You

God Is With You

"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us."
Romans 8:18

I have written many devotionals over the years about why do we suffer so much in life. We lose our jobs, have unexplained deaths in our family, have relationship issues, severe financial issues, problems with our children, the list could go on. I believe we can get some solace from the writings of the apostle Paul, who tells us to be content with all things. So often we don't understand why things happen to us, as we do not see all of God's great plan, but even during our times of struggle, we need to remember that God is still there. He knows what we face each day. He knows how our hearts ache, and how we are so burdened down with the stresses of life, but He also tells us that He will not give us more than we can bear. We can see the struggles that Job had, we can see the trials that the disciples had, as most were imprisoned and their life threatened continuously. However, they were content with their situations, and trusted and had faith in God that He would see them through all their trials and struggles. If you are going through situations in your life that you don't understand, you also have the promise from God that He will not give you more than you can bear. He is still there for you, just like he was for His disciples. Don't lose your faith and turn away from His in your time of trouble, rather draw closer to Him. Continue to pray about your situation, be like the persistent widow, pray without ceasing. In God's time He will answer your prayers; He will lead you out of your valleys and let you reach your mountaintops. There is no situation that is too great for your God to handle. Keep your faith and trust God for your answer.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
May 28
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Trust In God-Don't Worry

Trust In God-Don't Worry

"Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me."
John 14:1

This scripture is such a great promise by Jesus telling us not to be troubled or worry. He tells us that He will provide all our needs, and that we should not be concerned about the things of this life which are material in nature, like our money and possessions which will rust and rot away. We should instead have our trust in God for everything, and depend upon Him to provide what we need. We have this promise because when we ask Jesus into our hearts, and make Him our savior He also gives us the Holy Spirit to lead and guide us in the paths of righteousness. God loves us so much that He gave His only son to die on the cross for our sins, and His only requirement is that we love Him back. He made this clear when He gave us His number one commandment, which is to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. What a loving God we have, to give us so much, and ask for so little in return. I want you to understand when your life becomes burdened down with trouble and worry, your focus becomes centered towards yourselves. God does not want you to be so engrossed in yourself, and your wants and desires, but to be centered on living a life that is devoted to serving Him. There are so many things that tempt you each day to get your minds and hearts off Jesus, but this is Satan tempting you. However, you can make the choice every time you are tempted by the things of this world to turn from them, and keep your heart and your mind focused on serving God. The choices you make during life will determine where you will spend your eternity. Make the right choices each day, and trust in God for all things and your eternal future will be secure.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
May 27
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

We Have A Fair God

We Have A Fair God
By my Daughter Pamela Brock Ford
"For since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse."
Romans 1:20

As the mother of two beautiful children (they are adults now, but they will always be my children) I have dealt with many arguments about being ‘fair’. How many times have I heard “You gave her more than me!”, or “Why doesn’t he have to help?” or just the classic “You’re not being fair!”? It is interesting to note that it is only when they feel they are getting slighted that this idea of fairness enters the equation. I have never heard either of them say that they have too much and that I should give more to their sibling. I have had to explain more than once that life is not fair and the sooner they learn that the easier their lives will be, the phrase “Life isn’t fair, Deal with it” has long been a fixture in our home and I believe that as long as sin is in the world we will have to deal with unfairness. I can even point to many scriptures that seem unfair to me. When the Hebrews were entering the Promised Land, God told them to kill everyone in the cities, down to the children and the animals, even the dogs. That seems unfair to my human mind, I mean what did a dog ever do to anyone? I have to trust that God’s ways are higher than my ways and that even though it doesn’t make sense to me that God is a God of perfect justice. We are blessed to have the scripture, but that hasn’t always been the case, countless people have died without ever seeing the Bible, or hearing the name of Jesus. What about them, how can they be saved? It isn’t fair that they never had a chance to know God. In Romans 1:20, God shows us that He is, indeed, fair. He says everyone (and that includes you) can clearly see His power and divine nature, just by looking around you. He has proclaimed His power in the majesty of a summer thunderstorm, His gentleness in the purring of a kitten. If you have ever watched a couple of puppies play, you know that God has a sense of humor, and when you hold a new-born baby and see their tiny fingers curl around yours, you can see His love. It is all there for us to see, all right in front of our eyes, we just have to open our eyes and see it. He didn’t offer salvation to just the privileged few who were born after the birth of Christ. He didn’t say that only people born in certain parts of the world could gain eternal life. He said that ‘People’, that is all people, had the opportunity to spend eternity with Him, they just had to look at what He has created and they could see Him. You see God is perfectly ‘fair’, He has made a way for all of mankind to find Him. We just have to look around.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
May 26
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

God Is Always Watching

God Is Always Watching

"For a man's ways are in full view of the Lord, and he examines all his paths."
Proverbs 5:21

My grandmother gave me some valuable advice when I was a little boy, when she said that God was watching me at all times, and that I should live my life as if He was standing beside me, watching. This is probably the best advice I have ever received, and I wish that everyone could live with this in mind. Throughout each day we are tempted with evil, and make choices that are good or bad. If we made these choices with the idea that God was standing there beside us, watching our every move, we would make better decisions. The fact is that God is standing there beside us, watching our every move, our every choice, knows our every thought, but most of all knows our heart. There is nothing that we do, that God is not aware of. There is an old Cherokee saying that during life we are constantly in a battle between good and evil, and that God and Satan are doing battle for our soul each moment of our day. The winner will be whichever we feed, good or evil. The advice my grandmother taught me has kept me focused so many times in making the right choice, and feeding good instead of evil. Some day we are all going to stand before God at His judgment throne, and be judged based on all the good and bad choices we made during life. There will be nothing hidden from God, as all our ways, the good, the bad and the ugly, will be in full view, and He will examine all our paths during life. The battle between good and evil will then be over, and a victor will have been chosen.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
May 25
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Don't Be Afraid To Fail

Don't Be Afraid To Fail

"Thus you will walk in the ways of good men, and keep to the paths of the righteous."
Proverbs 2:20

Recently, as I was counseling a young man, who had just declared bankruptcy, due to some bad financial decisions, I was reminded of the story of Abraham Lincoln, one of our greatest presidents. President Lincoln, had lost 8 previous elections that he entered, until his last attempt which was for the presidency, and had suffered defeat and failure in many aspects of his life prior to this time. No one likes to fail, but failure is a part of life. It is something that we all have to experience from time to time. The key, however, is how do you respond when you fail? There are some valuable tips you need to learn from failure. The first is to accept responsibility for your failure, as you will not be able to move forward if you point the blame of failure on others. Don't use the excuse that someone else was to blame, but accept responsibility for it. Learn from your mistakes, don't make them again, and move forward. The second is not to let your loss or failure keep you from trying again. Many people become so devastated by failing, that they simply refuse to try again. You can't move ahead in life if you are afraid of losing or failure. Instead of losing and failing making you weak, they can make you strong. The third is to remember that there is no failure with God. You can't fail when you are serving the Lord. When you are following the will of God, He will give you the wisdom to make the right choices. Pray about the choices you make each day, and ask God for His wisdom and guidance. Fourth, if you do fail at something consider the fact that God may be closing the door to the path you are following, as He wants to lead you on another path. When you trust God, he will lead you to the path of the righteous.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
May 24
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Something Beautiful

Something Beautiful

"I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit in you; I will remove from you your heart of stone and give you a heart of flesh."
Ezekiel 36:26

There was a wonderful song written by Bill and Gloria Gaither called "God Made Something Beautiful Of My Life". Some of the words are, "Something beautiful, something good; All my confusion He understood. All I had to offer Him Was brokenness and strife, But He made something beautiful of my life." These are good words, and describes so well what our life is like before we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior. We are without hope and have absolutely nothing to offer God except our brokenness and despair, however God can transform us through his amazing grace, and forgive us of all our sins, and can make something beautiful of our lives. There is nothing that you have done in your past that God is not willing to forgive, as His grace is sufficient to forget all your sins, and let you begin anew. God's transforming grace is available to all who will receive it. God has not given up on you, even if you have given up, or others have. All you have to do is ask God to give you this grace. You don't have to wait for it, as you can receive it any time you ask for it. But you have to make the first step and ask Him for it, and then be willing to let Him take control of your life. You don't have to remain in the broken condition you are in today, but simply asking God to be your Lord and Savior, can restore you and put a new spirit in you. Jesus is ready to receive you and help you become the person He sees you to be--radically transformed and fully committed for His glory. When you take this first step and ask Jesus into your heart, He can make something beautiful of your life.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
May 23
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

God Cares About Little Things

God Cares About Little Things

"If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing."
John 15:5

In the course of a day, there are so many things in our life that happens that ruins our happiness and joy. I am not talking about the major issues we often have, such as a serious health problem, or a crisis in our marriage, or even a major financial challenge. I am talking about the little things that can ruin your day, such as losing your car keys, misplacing your wallet, getting a traffic ticket, spilling your coffee, or your computer not working. So often people let the little things ruin their day and cause them to lose their entire focus on the important things of life. I have warned you over and over in my devotionals, that it doesn't take much for Satan to control your day if you let him, which is one of the reasons you must have a committed 24/7 relationship with God. Just letting your guard down for a few minutes is all that is needed for Satan to take control, and take away your joy and happiness. When the apostle Paul said to "Pray without ceasing", this is what he was talking about, as a momentary lapse in your relationship with God, can allow Satan a foothold, which is all it takes to ruin your day. You must realize that God cares about all the little things in your life. He cares if you can't find your wallet or your car keys. He cares if you spill your coffee, or your computer isn't working. Don't depend upon yourselves to handle these small issues, but turn them over to God to help you handle. No matter how small the problem might be, you can still pray that God can deliver you from these, just as you will pray for the big issues. God wants you to live in peace, and if the small things are robbing you of peace, turn them over to God.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
May 22
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Friday, February 10, 2012

God's Waiting Room

God's Waiting Room

"Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him; do not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes."
Psalm 37:7

What should you do when doors you thought God had opened suddenly slam shut? You're thinking, "Lord, I did all the right things in my eye, but you are closing the doors. Why is this happening?" If you are experiencing this in your life, don't panic, as God is still directing your steps, just not in the way you wanted. God is aware of your situation, and although you may feel your hopes and dreams are crushed, this is the time to rely on His wisdom and unfailing love. God knows the plan He has for you, so now is the time to trust Him to work things out for your good. You will find out that when God closed this door, He has just opened a new door which will lead you to an even greater reward. Remember, that your timing is not God's timing, and when you begin to understand God's timing, you'll be better able to see why your doors were suddenly closed. The problem that most people have is that they want things done in their time frame, which often is not in the time frame that God has for them. When you don't see the clear path in front of you, this is where your faith and trust in God must come into play. You will need to wait, with the expectancy that God knows the path you are to follow, and is leading you in the way He wants you to go. God has each of us on a definite plan and time frame, and while He's getting us ready, He keeps us in His waiting room, where we are learning to trust Him for everything. If God has you in His waiting room today, it's because He wants you to reach a new level of maturity and when ready, He will release new levels of blessing in your life.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
May 21
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Putting Worry In Its Place

Putting Worry In Its Place
''Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.''
Matthew 6:33-34
Many people are what I call worry warts because they worry about every little thing. Every minute of the day they are constantly worrying about things that could or might happen, which most often doesn't happen. Worrying runs opposite to having faith in God, and can literally strangle the life out of something. We are supposed to trust God to take care of us today, tomorrow, and into the future. Worry has always been in contradiction to having faith. Real planning for the future is trusting in God for everything. If God feeds the birds, surely we can trust Him to provide for us, since we are greater than the birds. We simply just worry too much about issues at home, at work, and our own selfish desires. We learn what to worry about from personal experiences, as well as from family and friends. Our worry also varies in our ability to handle worries. Some are overwhelmed, while others take worry in stride. We respond to worries differently, some with positive thinking, and prayer, while others with negativity. We have a God who not only cares for us, but already knows our needs. God's has a plan for us, and If we ask for His will to be done in our lives, and seek Him first, everything will take care of itself. God places high value on living one day at a time, and trusting Him for all things. Striving after our desires leads to worry, but striving for God's kingdom takes away worry. The answer is to trust God for everything.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
May 20
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Drink Upstream From The Herd

Drink Upstream From The Herd
Dedicated To My Grandfather: John Jeff Brock
"Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity."
1st Timothy 4:12

As I was growing up my grandfather and I loved to hunt, and we spent much of our days in the mountains. There were many mountain springs through the hills, where we would always find water to drink, and also most of the farmers let their cows roam the mountains. One of my grandfathers sayings was "always drink upstream from the herd." When I think back on this time in my life, I can see much wisdom in this simple statement. Throughout our lives we are all influenced by the people around us. We all meet, work with, and have contact with people, who have good morals, good family values and follow God. We also encounter people, who have very little or no morals, bad family values and follow Satan. When we encounter either group of these people, we have a choice to make, whether to gravitate to people who have their lives centered around God, or to people who are worldly, with their lives centered around Satan. Whatever group we choose to follow, this group will certainly influence our lives, and we will gravitate to their level. We can choose higher values as our way of life, or we can choose to lower ourselves to worldly values and their standards. My grandfather also had another saying "when you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty". There is nothing that will influence a young person more than to get into the wrong crowd, as their influence will so easily lead them astray. I would like for you to consider whether you are with the wrong crowd in your life, or whether you are "drinking upstream from the herd."
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
May 18
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

My Glimpse Of Heaven

My Glimpse Of Heaven

"To him who overcomes, I will give the right to sit with me on my throne."
Revelation 3:21

Today, as I look out my window, I am drawn to the bright rays of the sun peeking through the clouds, and knowing that you are far above them in Heaven, looking down on me, and all the world around me. I stand in awe today, of your power and your majesty, as to the beautiful world that you have created here on earth, and I can only imagine what the heaven will be like that you have also created for me. I can hardly wait to walk on the streets of gold you have prepared for me, and see and hear the angels filling the air and sounds with their heavenly music. I long to be reunited with my father, my mother, my wonderful wife, my children, my grandchildren, and my grandparents, and spend my eternity there in a great reunion in your beautiful garden. I anticipate getting to spend all my days in your kingdom where there will be no fear, no worry, no sickness and no concern about anything, and being able to live in peace and harmony all my days. I want to experience your presence and spend time with you, in the paradise you have prepared for me. But today Lord, I am still on this beautiful earth, with my earthly family, and as I struggle to obey your commands and do your will, I stand committed to do what you would have me do while I am still in this earthly body. I wait with anticipation for the day you will decide that my time on earth is over, your work in me has been fulfilled, and you will welcome me with open arms to the place you have prepared for me. Thank you Jesus for being my Lord and Savior. and letting me have just a glimpse of what you have prepared for me.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
May 17
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Monday, February 6, 2012

The Clouds Of Life

The Clouds Of Life

“At that time they will see the Son of Man coming in a cloud with power and great glory.”
Luke 21:27

Have you ever thought about the significance of the clouds in your life? Without the clouds you wouldn’t be shielded from the burning sun, there would be no lavish sunsets, no beneficial rain and no beautiful landscapes. The most beautiful scenery in any picture is the fluffy clouds floating against a sky of blue. Just looking at a beautiful sunset with the fiery red rays of the sun piercing through the clouds is one of the most beautiful sights you can behold. But the thing that should excite you the most, is knowing that God is behind the clouds. When the storm clouds of life are constantly over your head, and you can relate to the cartoon character in the comic strip Charley Brown, who always had a black cloud constantly over him, look beyond the clouds and you will find God. The Bible says that God will test you with trials and troubles, but won't let you bear more than you can stand. He will always be there to lead and guide you, to overcome any storm of life. God wants you to persevere over any obstacle, but will let you be tested with difficult times so you can learn to trust Him, and put your burdens on His shoulders. You are never alone as Jesus is always with you through your difficult times. He is just behind your clouds to lift you up and carry you. Just as the sun breaks through the clouds, God is there just waiting to let His light shine on you. You will face clouds in life—sometimes slight, but sometimes dark and frightening. Whatever clouds you face today, ask Jesus, the light of the world, to help you look behind the cloud to see His glory, His mercy, His grace and reveal the plans He has for you.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
May 16
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Softly And Tenderly

Softly And Tenderly

" For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found."
Luke 15:24

As I was growing up one of my favorite old hymns was "Softly and Tenderly", which was usually sung at the end of the church service, when the altar call was given. The words now mean much more to me than they did then, as they applied to me personally all throughout my life. Even though I always went to church when I was young, and after Margaret and I were married, she always insisted that we attend church. I went through the motions of being a Christian during these years, but my heart was never in it. The words of the song are "softly and tenderly Jesus is calling, he's calling for you and for me". These words were so true as Jesus was softly and tenderly calling for me to come home. It took over 40 years of my life before I accepted this call and gave my life to Christ and came home, but I am so glad that I did, as my life has never been the same since. Look at the words of this beautiful song below, and let its words minister to your heart, as these precious words will tell you that Jesus is also waiting for you to come home.
Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling,
calling for you and for me;
see, on the portals he's waiting and watching,
watching for you and for me.
Come home, come home;
ye who are weary come home;
earnestly, tenderly, Jesus is calling,
calling, O sinner, come home!
I pray that God will speak to your heart today about coming home, as He has also been waiting to rejoice with you.
My Daily Devotional Volume IV
May 15
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Are You A Fisher Of Men

Are You A Fisher Of Men

"Come follow me, Jesus said, and I will make you fishers of men."
Matthew 4:19

As I was growing up I spent many wonderful days with my grandfather on the banks of the Cumberland River fishing. These were some of the most peaceful times of my life, just being with my grandfather as our minds were not on our difficulties and struggles, but rather on just talking and spending time together. We both loved to fish, and whether we caught anything or not really didn't matter to us. The Bible tells us that several of the Disciples were fishermen, and I can imagine they also experienced the peace and contentment that fishing can bring. The Bible also tells us that we are all called to be fishermen, however instead of catching fish we are to catch the souls of the lost and unsaved. We are to cast the Gospel in open waters and sit back and hope for a bite, and if we are lucky we can hook someone. Once we catch them, and tell them about Jesus, the rest is up to God. The Bible tells us one more thing that we are to do after we catch them, and that is to make them disciples. Making them disciples is taking them with us as we walk together with Christ, and growing together in fellowship, relationship, love, hope, faith and trust with the Holy Spirit leading us. Being fishers of men is something we are all called to do, and we can do it in all walks of our lives, in our jobs, in our schools, in our neighborhoods, everywhere we go we have an opportunity to lead someone to Christ. This is why it is so important for people to know that you are different, than the world, as your light needs to shine brightly for others to see. God's great commission is for you to go and tell others the Gospel, to share the good news. Fishing can be fun and oh so rewarding, when you lead someone to know Jesus.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
May 14
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Death The Great Equalizer

Death The Great Equalizer

"What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes."
James 4:14

During the past two years, I have been praying for a young boy named Ethan that was 7 years old when he was diagnosed with a rare type of incurable cancer. This week I received an e-mail from his mother stating that he had died. It does not seem right in my eyes that such a young boy, should have been deprived of not being able to experience all the happiness and joys of life, however in these situations I have to depend on my trust and faith in knowing that this was God's plan for this precious boy. The same day I saw on television that one of the wealthiest men in our country had also died. Death is the great equalizer, as it does not take into account whether you are worth millions of dollars, or whether you died with nothing. The reality is that regardless of your status in life all of you will someday die. At that moment when you take your last breath, the only thing that will matter is your relationship with Jesus Christ, nothing else. This is why the Bible warns us of the foolishness of storing up treasures on earth into the few years we have, as we can't take them with us and they will soon rot and rust away. As the scripture above states we are only a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. What is the main focus of your life today? Is it solely focused on material wealth or are you preparing for your eternal home. Are you using each day to lay up treasure on earth, or to lay up treasure in Glory? Are you working to build a legacy in this temporal world, or are you working to build a legacy that will stand for all eternity? These are serious questions that you need to think about and answer, as death is the great equalizer, as you too will appear for a little time and vanish.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
May 13
Robert William Brock, Jr.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Greatest Gift

The Greatest Gift

"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God--not by works, so that no one can boast."
Ephesians 2:8

We kept our 3 year old granddaughter Emma this week, as she is expecting a new brother to be born any time now. While she was here, there were some presents we had wrapped for the new arrival, and she immediately wanted to open them. When we told her she couldn't open them, she began to cry as she loves to open gifts. This should be the perfect example of how we should approach the greatest gift that anyone could give us, and that is the gift Jesus gave us by dying on the cross for our sins. We should be crying for this greatest of all gifts, stomping our feet and fighting for this gift, but the sad fact is that so many won't accept it. This gift of our salvation is one that will fit everyone's budget, it will fit everyone's size, it cannot be taken back and exchanged for something else. It is the perfect gift for any occasion, birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, Christmas, graduations, and so many other occasions. It is a gift that will never wear out, has a guarantee that will last for all eternity. It will never rust, never rot, never tarnish, will never have to be repaired, and it doesn't even need batteries,. We don't even have to spend our money. or use a credit card to get it, as it is given to us free with no strings attached. There is not much in life that is free for the asking, but this gift is one that God will even deliver to your door, as all you have to do is call on Him and He will bring it to you. He will even give you a companion as security, as He will give you the Holy Ghost to watch over you and protect you at all times. Would you like this gift? It is yours, just by asking Jesus to come into your heart. I pray you will accept it.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
Robert William Brock, Jr

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Are You A Complainer

Are You A Complainer

"Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and depraved generation."
Philippians 2:14

Are you thankful for all the things that you have today? If you are, you may be a minority, as almost anywhere you go there are people who are complaining about their health, their finances, their jobs, their spouses and many other issues that are troubling them. People don't seem to be satisfied with very much of anything and are constantly complaining. Today, I want you to concentrate on, not what you want or don't have, but I want you to think about what you do have. If you are alive and reading this devotional, you should be extremely thankful. If you have food on your table, you should be thankful. If you have shelter over your head, you should be thankful. If you can see the flowers around you, you should be thankful. If you can hear the birds chirping, you should be thankful. If you can breathe on your own, you should be thankful. I could go on with more examples of what you should be thankful for, but I want you to realize that there is someone in your own town or neighborhood who doesn't have these things to be thankful for. So often in life we keep wanting more things, and want everything to be better than it is, however things could also be much worse than it is. If you are constantly complaining about what you don't have and your circumstances, try a new approach today and begin thanking God for the things you do have. Break the habit of complaining about everything, and get in the habit of thanking God for everything. Think about the old saying, "Is my cup half full or is it half empty". Be positive and thankful to God for all you have.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
May 11
Robert William Brock, Jr.