
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

We Have A Fair God

We Have A Fair God
By my Daughter Pamela Brock Ford
"For since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse."
Romans 1:20

As the mother of two beautiful children (they are adults now, but they will always be my children) I have dealt with many arguments about being ‘fair’. How many times have I heard “You gave her more than me!”, or “Why doesn’t he have to help?” or just the classic “You’re not being fair!”? It is interesting to note that it is only when they feel they are getting slighted that this idea of fairness enters the equation. I have never heard either of them say that they have too much and that I should give more to their sibling. I have had to explain more than once that life is not fair and the sooner they learn that the easier their lives will be, the phrase “Life isn’t fair, Deal with it” has long been a fixture in our home and I believe that as long as sin is in the world we will have to deal with unfairness. I can even point to many scriptures that seem unfair to me. When the Hebrews were entering the Promised Land, God told them to kill everyone in the cities, down to the children and the animals, even the dogs. That seems unfair to my human mind, I mean what did a dog ever do to anyone? I have to trust that God’s ways are higher than my ways and that even though it doesn’t make sense to me that God is a God of perfect justice. We are blessed to have the scripture, but that hasn’t always been the case, countless people have died without ever seeing the Bible, or hearing the name of Jesus. What about them, how can they be saved? It isn’t fair that they never had a chance to know God. In Romans 1:20, God shows us that He is, indeed, fair. He says everyone (and that includes you) can clearly see His power and divine nature, just by looking around you. He has proclaimed His power in the majesty of a summer thunderstorm, His gentleness in the purring of a kitten. If you have ever watched a couple of puppies play, you know that God has a sense of humor, and when you hold a new-born baby and see their tiny fingers curl around yours, you can see His love. It is all there for us to see, all right in front of our eyes, we just have to open our eyes and see it. He didn’t offer salvation to just the privileged few who were born after the birth of Christ. He didn’t say that only people born in certain parts of the world could gain eternal life. He said that ‘People’, that is all people, had the opportunity to spend eternity with Him, they just had to look at what He has created and they could see Him. You see God is perfectly ‘fair’, He has made a way for all of mankind to find Him. We just have to look around.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
May 26
Robert William Brock, Jr.

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