
Saturday, June 15, 2013

The Hour Is Near

The Hour Is Near "The hour has come for you to wake up from your slumber, because our salvation is nearer now than when we first believed." Today, I want to ask you some simple questions. How much time do you spend with God each day? Do you pray each morning for God to lead and guide you during the hours ahead? How much time do you spend reading your Bible each day? How many people at your job know that you are a Christian? The Bible tells us that God's greatest commandment is to love Him with all our heart, soul, mind and strength. We are to make Him first in all that we do. The way we show our love for Him, is to do all the things I mentioned above. If you are not praying each day; if you are not reading your Bible each day; if you are not being a witness for Him each day, you are not showing your love for Him. God sent His son Jesus to die on the cross for you, and to give you the opportunity to accept Him as your savior, but in return expects you to do these things I mentioned above. If you are going your own way, and doing your own thing, and leaving God out of your daily life, you are falling short of doing your part. Take a moment this morning to evaluate your life, to see if you are deficient in any of these important questions. If you find that you are lacking, it may be time to make room for God, by adjusting your schedule to find time to pray, read your Bible, and time to let others know about God. You should not be trying to squeeze God in between other commitments, as He should come first. Your life should revolve around Him, and everything else should come after. There is nothing in life that should come before your time with God, as you are working for your eternal future, not to earn enough money for today, or to fulfill your own desires. The hour is near, and your future is at stake. My Daily Devotional Volume Six June 15 Robert William Brock, Jr.

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