
Sunday, June 30, 2013

Perfect Peace

Perfect Peace "You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you." Isaiah 26:3 Are you at perfect peace in your life or do you feel that the mountains are closing in on you? If you cannot identify with the scripture above, which tells us that God will keep in "perfect peace" all that believes and trusts in Him, then you are not trusting in God and having the faith that you need. Peace in your life only comes when you turn everything over to God, and put your complete faith and trust in Him. There are many scriptures throughout the Bible that tells us to be content, and that He will provide all that we need. We see many times when God provided for His people, as He did many miracles when the people of Israel were being led to the Promised Land. He provided all their needs. He let them defeat their enemies when everything seemed hopeless. With all the times that God provided for His people, why do you doubt that He will not provide for all your needs? Just as the scripture states, when your mind is steadfast, you will be at perfect peace, and not be worried about the things that confront you on a daily basis, because you will know that it is in His hands. You won't be worried about the future, and thinking about what might happen, because you will know that God will provide for you. You see, when you and I worry about what the future holds for us, we are denying God the right to lead us forward in confidence and peace. We should not cause God to grieve over us because we are indulging in worry, but should trust everything into His all caring hands. God wants us to be at peace about our life and in all things, as when we worry about things, and are not at peace, we become distracted and do not focus our lives totally on God. If you want perfect peace, God will provide. My Daily Devotional Volume Six June 30 Robert William Brock, Jr.

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