
Monday, April 14, 2014

Who's Right

Who's Right "Instruct a wise man and he will be wiser still; teach a righteous man and he will add to his learning." Proverbs 9:9 Each day I receive dozens of e-mails from people wanting to debate certain scriptures as to what they mean. I try not to get into any debate on a particular scripture, as God may speak to people differently about the wisdom they need to hear. This is a personal matter between God and them. We can see from the Bible that Paul and Barnabas had a dispute, and each went their own way for a time. This is the same with man today, with their differing views and attitudes, and troubles with pride and their interpretation of how God speaks to them. I hear both sides of disputes from my readers, and often both are right, and both are wrong in one thing or another. I also find myself torn many times in the way I interpret a certain scripture, and the way others may interpret them. Many times I have been embraced for the way I interpret a scripture, and present them in my devotionals, and many times others may disagree. I have no answer for this or for man's stubbornness, to admit the times when others prove their case, and the reluctance for others not to accept it. This has been the way of man from the beginning, and will be until the end. Man is frail of mind, corrupt of heart, and the only thing perfect in man is the Spirit of God in those He chose to enlighten. But by His grace, He called us out of darkness into His marvelous light. It is our reflection of that light that reaches out in the darkness of this world. When we focus on our differences we lose. When we focus on Jesus and His love for us, and His love for those in darkness, we win. Those who are led by the Spirit are the sons of God. That is our task, to be led by the Spirit and to forsake the flesh. When we do that consistently we will better learn how to love others, and be seen by the lost as having something desirable that they do not have. Robert W. Brock My Daily Devotional Volume Seven April 14

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