
Friday, September 18, 2015

Be Truthful Always

Be Truthful Always "Therefore each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to his neighbor, for we are all members of one body." Ephesians 4:25 So often in life it is easy to stretch the truth, and not be completely honest to protect ourselves and not take the blame for something we knew about. I can remember one night as I was driving back home from a board meeting, when I realized one of my headlights was out. I was hoping I wouldn't get stopped, but it was not long until a highway patrolman pulled out behind me, turned on his flashing lights and pulled me over. He said, "Son, did you know one of your headlights is out?" I replied, "One of my headlights is out?" He said, "Son, you'd better get that fixed." I said, "Yes, sir." When I pulled out I was convicted by the Holy Spirit which said, "Bob, you lied, you did not admit that you knew your headlight was out." I said, "No, I didn't lie, I just didn't tell the whole truth." It is so easy to sin, as even in this so called innocent act, even a white lie such as this is still a sin in the sight of God. The Bible tells us to always be aware of the schemes and temptations of Satan in our lives, as there will always be situations where we don't tell the truth, and we might try to whitewash it with the justification it is only a white lie. White lies are sins just as stealing, using foul language, murder, or even adultery are sins. If there is any area in your heart that is not based on truth, you've made the devil a home in your heart, where one sin can lead to a multitude of other sins. During each day of your life you will make many choices, each choice is one that you can follow God or follow Satan. I would encourage you to be aware of each choice you make today, and make the ones that would be pleasing to God. Don't give Satan a foothold in your heart, by compromising the truth. Always be truthful in all things. Robert William Brock My Daily Devotional Volume Seven September 18

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