
Sunday, October 23, 2011

God's Master Plan

God's Master Plan

"For wisdom will enter your heart and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul."
Proverbs 2:10

As I have gotten older, I have found myself reflecting back into my past more, and thinking about how my life has unfolded. I reflect on the times when I was uncertain about what to do in situations, and many times made the wrong choices, and things did not turn out as I expected. I also reflect back on the times that I made the right choices, that turned out the way I wanted them to. There were things that happened along the way that were unexpected, and caught me by surprise, and things that were planned exactly as I had envisioned. I realize now that as my life was unfolding, that God had a master plan just for me, that I was living out as the years progressed. He positioned me in the areas I needed to be in at that specific time and place, where I learned from all my experiences, both good and bad. Through all of these times and experiences, God was molding me and shaping me to be the person I am today. I know that God has destined me to be doing what I am doing today, as this was his plan for me all along. All the wisdom and knowledge I learned from my family, and from my career, have unfolded into God's great design for me, that is being fulfilled as each day passes. When I read my Bible, I can feel the wisdom and understanding that God is giving me, as my goal is to serve God each day, and live my life to fulfill His plans for me. God has a plan for each of you as well, and you too are in the stage of your life where God has designed for you to be at this very time. I encourage you to seek God's wisdom and guidance, follow Him, and let your life unfold into His plan. Spend time with Him each day, read your Bibles, and let God lead and direct your path, to fulfill His plan for you.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
February 2
Robert William Brock, Jr.

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