
Saturday, October 29, 2011

Time For A Change

Time For A Change

"There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to death."
Proverbs 14:12

About a year ago, I made a new year resolution that I would try to get healthy. Over the years I had gained a lot of weight that had begun to affect my health, and my way of life. During the past 12 months, through a very disciplined change of lifestyle, I have now reached my goal weight, and currently am back to the same weight as I was when Margaret and I were married almost 46 years ago. I feel much better, and have been able to stop taking any medications. Although this process has been difficult, I now know that I still have the discipline that was needed to accomplish my goal. As I have gone through this process I realize that this same kind of dedication should be applied to my spiritual life as well. It is easy to be led astray by the temptations of this world, and be swayed by the pressure from all sides, to use my time, my talents, my money and most of all my own selfish desires to not focus more on God and others. It takes discipline to make God number one in our lives, as we need to read our Bibles more each day, take time to pray more each morning and throughout our day, and more time to seek His wisdom and knowledge, but most of all do what God commands. It takes discipline to get our minds focused on God and others, instead of spending all our time focused on what our own wants and desires are. We must understand that there is a constant battle going on between God and Satan for our very souls every day. Satan wants us to be self centered, think only about ourselves, to be undisciplined and tempts us continually with things that are not good for us. It takes discipline to resist all of Satan's attacks, but the rewards will last forever, and is well worth the change.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
February 8
Robert William Brock, Jr.

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