
Monday, October 31, 2011

Your Tug Of War

Your Tug Of War

"Blessed are they who keep his statutes and seek him with all their heart."
Psalm 119:2

When I was young I remember playing the game of "Tug of War" with my friends. The purpose is to get an equal number of people on each side of a rope, and pull each other to a pit of mud or water in the middle. The losers naturally ends up muddy or wet. This simple game reminds me so much of what life is like, as we have God on one side, trying to keep us from getting muddy or wet and free from sin, and Satan on the other side, trying to pull us into the miry pit and bog us down with sins. In the game of life we make the choice each day, as to what side of the rope we are on, as we can decide if we want to be on God's side or on Satan's side. The side we choose is often determined by the condition of our heart. Many times our own wants and desires get the best of us, and we forget about God and others, and are pulled closer to the miry pit. Satan's desire is for us to be self centered, thinking only about ourselves, and many find themselves as a selfish group of people wanting only their own desires to be fulfilled. The Bible tells us what we need to do to always be on God's side, which is to make Him first in our lives, and to treat others as we treat ourselves. We should never value ourselves and think about ourselves first, but always make God first in our life. It is always a fierce battle to overcome the temptations to let Satan take control of your life, and many of you may already be in the battle, even as you read this. It is easy to be on the side with Satan if you are leading a sinful life and don't care, but if you want a life with a future you need to be on God's side. Take some time today to make sure you have God on your side, and choose carefully who you will serve.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
February 11
Robert William Brock, Jr.

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