
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Slow Down

Slow Down

"The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, and he adds no trouble to it."
Proverbs 10:22

When my little dog Teddy and I drove out this morning to get out daily cappuccino and his doggy bone, I was reminded just how busy everyone is. People were out going to and fro, and into their daily routines of going to work, school and attending to their daily business. I can remember growing up in Kentucky, and the lifestyle my parents and grandparents lived, which was never a hurried lifestyle, but one that was calm, and where everyone was contented and at peace. Today, the lifestyle of almost everyone is busyness, and everyone's schedule is so tight that most do not have time to stop for one minute to stop and smell the roses. It appears that the busy lifestyle of our society today, is affecting people's spiritual walk with God, as they don't have time for others, don't take time to pray, to read their Bibles, or even to spend time with their families. The focus of their lives is to accumulate money and wealth, and not on the things that should matter most to them. When I talk to many of my friends, their calendars are so filled with meetings and other commitments that very little time is left for what should really matter, their families, spending quality time with God in prayer, and Bible study. The Bible tells us that all our efforts should be focused on serving God, making Him first in all that we do, not relegating Him to the few minutes we have left after our other commitments. We should have learned from our ancestors, the important things in life that gives us peace and joy, instead most have priorities today that prevent them from enjoying the things that matter most. I would encourage each of you to "slow down", get your priorities straight, and make God first in your life.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
June 16
Robert William Brock, Jr.

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