
Monday, July 1, 2013

Be God's Witness

Be God's Witness "Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality." Romans 12:13 When we study the life of Jesus, we find that he ate with the publicans and sinners, and almost everyone He associated with was an outcast. The main thrust of His ministry however was redemptive, not social. His ministry was to be a witness to the world, and to share the plan of salvation to all that he encountered. Jesus knew where the people that needed salvation were, and He went to them. In today's society many people go out into the world with good intentions, but become polluted by the world instead of being a witness to the world. Instead of being a true witness for God, they let the world become a witness to them, as they begin to compromise God's Holy Word and His commandments. They let the media, such as television, music, dress fads, celebrity idols, and many others compromise their values. We are to retain our Biblical values, and "weep with those who weep, suffer with those who suffer, and identify ourselves with the poor, the sick, and needy in body, mind and spirit", but not waver in the way God tells us to live. We are to be a witness to the world, not let the world be a witness to us. We are to love those who are involved in the world, without becoming contaminated, influenced, or drawn to their lifestyle. You are a witness to the world in your jobs, your school, your neighborhoods, with your friends and with your families, and you must not waver, but at all times be the true witness that God requires of you. This is the life that Jesus led, as He reached out to the world, just as He expects you to do. His ministry of salvation is the same ministry that He expects from each of us. If you do not reach out and lead others to Christ, who will? My Daily Devotional Volume Six July 1 Robert William Brock, Jr.

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