
Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Your Inner Beauty

Your Inner Beauty "When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me. Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face." 1st Corinthians 13:11-12 When you stare into the mirror each morning, who do you see? Your friends, family, the people you work with, your schoolmates, all know the person you see in the mirror pretty well. They see the same person that reflects back to you in the mirror, and may think that you are a pretty nice person, hard working, honest, kind and over all a person they like. However, when God looks at you, He not only sees the outside, but He also sees what is inside you. He knows your thoughts, and what is buried deep inside your heart. He knows all the pride you may have stored inside you, that prevents you from humbling yourselves to others. He knows the un-forgiveness that you hold inside, where you have not been able to forgive and forget the sins others have done against you. He knows the lies and falsehoods that you have told, the times you have taken things that were not yours. He knows the times you were angry and said things, or did things that hurt others. God sees all the darkness you have hidden away inside you, that others do not see. You may also see this same person that God sees, and know what is deep down inside you, that is hidden away, and not be proud of the person you see. However, no matter how much darkness you may have hidden from the people around you, Jesus still loves you and can remove all this darkness. He wants the people who see you each day, to not only see the outward person, but also to see your inner beauty. He wants them to see Jesus in your life. If you do not like who you see, you can ask God to change you to be a person that both you and God are pleased with. Robert W. Brock My Daily Devotional Volume Six October 9

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