
Saturday, December 14, 2013

Let God Calm Your Storm

Good Morning to all my friends. This is another day that God has given us, let us be glad and rejoice in it. My prayer for you is that God will bless each of you today and give you His peace and His comfort in all that you do. Today's Challenge ------------------- Let God Calm Your Storm "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." Mark 2:17 If you are not saved today, and have not accepted Jesus as your savior, this devotional is for you. I just spent the last hour talking with one of my readers about the problems they were facing, and trying to help them make the right decisions in dealing with their issues. Everywhere you look in the world today, people are facing challenges like never before, as they are dealing with financial issues, health issues, relationship issues or a multitude of other trials and tribulations, and unfortunately most do not know where to turn for help, or where to find peace and comfort. If you are one of the people who don't have an answer for the problems you are facing today, the Bible tells us that Jesus came to earth for the specific purpose of helping you. He knows the kind of issues you are facing today, and just how broken your life is. He already knows how your heart is breaking, and the pain you are going through. God knows just how much you are hurting, and is offering you a chance to invite Him to come into your disaster zone, and give you peace, and comfort you during this time. I know that you think you have the ability to solve your problems yourself, and don't need God, and if you think like this, you are so wrong, as no matter what you do to solve your problems, it will not give you peace and comfort you like God can. Jesus came to earth to heal the brokenness of humanity, and is the only one that can heal and put you back together again. Today, I would encourage each of you to let God provide you with His healing, and the peace that only He can give. Turn your life over to Him, and let Him calm your storms. My Daily Devotional Volume Four October 17 Robert William Brock, Jr.

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