
Monday, December 9, 2013

Race To Win

Race To Win "Do not become sluggish, but imitate those who through faith and patience inherit the promises." Hebrews 6:12 It is not the one who begins a race who is the winner, but rather the one who finishes the race. Many begin, but not all finish. Many ideas, projects and grandiose plans have been thwarted. Many ideas, given by God, died in the womb. They were never pursued. No one put power to the words; no one was willing to sacrifice and commit to the cause and follow it to its fulfillment. Other times ideas were initially pursued with enthusiasm, but then the flame grew weak, and finally the fire went out. Yet others continued a while longer, but eventually control was lost, enthusiasm waned, and the project died. What happened? Several things. Many times focus was lost. Jesus was no longer in the center; His Word and His voice were no longer followed. He was left out of the equation. Perhaps the answer to prayer was long-time coming. Some people are unwilling to sit for long in the “prayer answer waiting room.” It appears boring, and nothing seems to happen. They expects things now, not in God's time. Others become restless, impatient, irritated or disappointed. Things do not turn out like they thought, not in the way they wanted, nor with the people they wanted. God does not cater to our flesh, but He is the giver of every good gift. God is reliable and faithful. We, on the other hand, are often unreliable, and sometimes God tests the motives of our heart. He wants our hearts to be steadfast, devoted to Him. He is always committed to us. Time has meaning only for us. He is timeless. If we are patient, He will give us that which He promised. His faithfulness and generosity exceed everything else. If we trust in Him in all things, and have faith we can win. Robert W. Brock My Daily Devotional Volume Six December 9

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