
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

God's Healing Power

God's Healing Power

"Blows and wounds cleanse away evil, and beatings purge the inmost being."
Proverbs 20:30

This past year my wife slipped and fell on some ice in our driveway and broke her hip and her shoulder. After a stay in the hospital of about 10 days, she is now on the road to recovery. A couple of days after her fall, her arm and hip became black and blue from the fall. Some people worry about the black and blue marks of a bruise, but those marks are actually symptomatic of the healing process. The blue is the rich oxygen of the arterial blood that brings in new supplies and healing materials of the body's first aid kit. Then the red venal blood carries out the damaged cells and waste products. This makes me think about the blood of Jesus, that also had a twofold healing purpose. It cleanses us of sin and waste, and it also brings in the freshness of His love into our lives. Christ's blood is one of the most powerful cleansing agents know to mankind. His blood does more than whitewash our hearts, it purifies it from the inside out. Christ's precious blood purifies our hearts so completely that we become like Him and are temples of God. When Jesus was confronted by the Pharisees, He told them, "You are clean on the outside, but your hearts are like the insides of tombs, filled with death." The question I have for you today is, "What do you want to be? A tomb of death or a temple of God. Jesus can heal all your wounds today, if only you will ask Him to come into your heart. He can remove all the sins from your life and refresh and make you anew. He will remove all the black and blue scars from your life and give you a new one.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Don't Neglect God

Don't Neglect God

"For day after day they seek me out; they seem eager to know my ways.."
Isaiah 58:2

Over the years I have known many young men who God has called to be ministers, and have enrolled in a Bible college to become prepared to begin their ministry. These men were hungry for the Word of God, and read and studied their Bibles and prayed each day. The large majority of these young men complete their required courses, and become successful ministers. However, I have watched several of them backslide, and no longer want to become ministers, and have wondered, "How can that happen, when they receive in-depth Bible teaching daily, and if God had really called them?" In talking to many of them I have found that, as strange as it may seem, they often neglect their own personal daily relationship with God. They get so caught up in their school work and their assignments, that they neglect their own daily Bible study and their prayer time. I have heard some of them state that their classes take the place of their personal time daily with God. Such thoughts are dangerous, as each one of us, no matter what our call, must have a close, daily relationship with God. Sometimes, we become overburdened with things of this world, our jobs, family problems, health issues, relationships, financial difficulties or other issues, and don't take time to read our Bibles and pray. If you find yourself in this situation where you have neglected God, and have other commitments that use up your time, you need to change this immediately. Don't put God on hold, but make the time to spend with Him every day. God is important.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Stand In The Gap

Stand In The Gap

"If anyone considers himself religious and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his religion is worthless."
James 1:26

So often during the years I have seen people who were considered to be the stalwarts of the church, that were stumbling blocks to bringing people to Christ. Their words and their actions were not representative of being a Christian. I can recall one gentleman who was a deacon in his church, and always was proud of this, and made sure that all his coworkers knew about this honor. He was forever inviting people to come to church with him on Sunday, but his speech and his behavior were just the opposite of what a Christian should be. This man was simply no more than a Sunday morning Christian, as he forgot about God after church, and let the worldly things control his life. There is a scripture in the Book of Ezekiel (22:30) that says that we are to "stand in the gap" for God. This means that our walk must represent our talk. We cannot claim to be a Christian, and then not represent Him in our speech, our actions and all our behavior. If we are going to represent Christ, we must be consistent and Godly in all things. People we associate with must know that there is something different about us, and that we reflect the love that God has given us, and that we are passing this love on to them. When we are standing in the gap for God, our example must respect the reverence we have for Him, and the people around us need to see this as well. Remember that you are representing God, and are standing in the gap for Him in all that you do, so let God shine brightly in you.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Jesus Made It Easy

Jesus Made It Easy

"For everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
Romans 10:13

I have been sending out my devotionals now for over 8 years, and have had the chance to bring many people to Christ. One of the things I hear so often, is that many people think it is a complicated matter to ask Jesus into their hearts. I have heard many people say to me, "you mean, all I have to do is call upon Jesus and He will save me, that sounds too easy and simple." It is this easy and simple to be saved, for one reason, and that is that Jesus has already done what is necessary. He made it simple by giving up His life and dying on the cross for our sins. It is not what we have done, or have to do, as He has done everything for us. We must simply believe that He died for us, to forgive us from our sins. The scripture above can transform your life, if it is just mixed with your faith, and you believe it. If you call upon the name of the Lord, repent of your sins, and invite Jesus into your heart, and confess it boldly with your mouth, the Bible tells you that you will be saved. It is probably one of the easiest things you will ever do, as God has made it so simple. This is why, I would like to encourage each of you, if you know someone that needs to be saved, to explain to them just how easy it is to ask Jesus into their hearts. Just ask God to open that person's heart, and show them how easy it is to call upon the name of the Lord, and receive the cleansing of Christ's blood for all their sins. Then let them receive Jesus as the Lord of their lives. You can be a soul winner, and can be the light that will lead someone out of darkness. It is so easy and simple to lead others to Jesus.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Hear God's Word

Hear God's Word

"Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ."
Romans 10:17

In our society today, I hear more and more people questioning the Bible, as our culture has compromised so much in their values, that people are now wanting to question God's word, and find loopholes that would benefit their worldly lifestyles. Let me be plain with you, there are no loopholes that permit some of the behaviors that people want to live today. It is true that faith does come by hearing God's word, but many people hear God's word and don't believe it, and therefore they are missing out, and not receiving any benefits from it either. Do you remember Rahab, who along with all of the people of Jericho, had heard about the God of the Hebrews. The people of Jericho had all heard the same report as Rahab, but Rahab heard and believed. Not only did she believe in her heart, but she confessed it with her mouth, and acted out her faith by hiding the Israelite spies. Because of Rahab's willingness to believe what she had heard, she was rewarded beyond her wildest imagination. When the rest of Jericho was destroyed, the walls of Rahab's dwelling remained standing, as a testimony of her belief in God's word. We can hear God's word continually, but until we believe what we hear, and then act on it, it is not meaningful to us. When you hear the Word, don't just casually receive it in your mind. Meditate and think on it. Accept it and receive it as a special message from God to you. Then put it into practice in your life and let it become a benefit to you.

Friday, August 26, 2011

Look To The Future

Look To The Future

"Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead."
Philippians 3:13

Once we forget the past, we can then reach out to embrace the future. If we continue to remember the past, it will press against our "present" and keep us from the future that God has planned for us. We can't look backward and forward at the same time. When you asked Christ into your life, He put all your sins in the past, and they are forgotten. No matter how bad you were and may have sinned, these are no longer considered, as God did away with all of them. I have heard the old phrase that God put our sins as far from us as the east is from the west. I'm glad He didn't say from north to south, because then we would meet our sins again, because if you start walking south, eventually you'll reach the south pole, and then you'll be going north, and can eventually reach the north pole. There is no east or west pole. When God forgives us of our sins, He forgets them. He never meets them again, and He doesn't intend for us to meet them again either. Therefore, we leave the past sins behind, and look to our future glory in Christ. Don't let yourself be burdened down with the memory and guilt of past sins. Christ shed His blood on the cross, so that we might no longer be bowed down with the weight of all our sins, as He wants us to give them over to Him. If you are struggling with something in your past, maybe it's time that you turned it over to God. Remember that God has a plan and a purpose for your life, and if you are in bondage to your past, break the strings that bind you and free yourself. God has a future for you that is bright, and has big plans for you

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Keep Yourself Renewed

Keep Yourself Renewed

"Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind."
Romans 12:2

I have written several devotionals about this scripture as this is one of my favorites. How we act as Christians determines if we are conforming to the ways of the world, or to God's ways. When we act like people in the world, we conform to their standards. However, when we accept Jesus as our savior, and begin to listen to how we are to act, according to our Bible, the Word of God transforms us. It renews our minds and causes us to think like God. The word for transform, is the same word as "transfigure". When Jesus spoke with Moses and Elijah, He was transfigured. There was a glow from within. When your mind is renewed with God's Word, your mind also begins to glow from within from God's Word. Then, because of the renewing of your mind, you will know what is good, you will know what is acceptable, and you will know the perfect will of God. It is important to have a continual process of renewing your mind. Renewal can be achieved on a daily basis by reading, meditating, and receiving God's Word. This way you are better equipped to make the right decision. If we don't keep ourselves renewed, our thoughts can become conformed to the ways of the world. That's why it is so important to read and meditate and receive God's Word each day. If you are struggling with issues or things that you know are not right, it might be time to renew yourself, by spending some time each morning with God and your Bible. Keep yourself renewed by a daily reading of God's Word.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Let God Bless You

Let God Bless You

"Praise the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits--who forgive all your sins and heals all your diseases.."
Psalm 103:2-3

In other translations of the Bible the word "Praise" in this scripture is "Bless". Either of these words are powerful ones, and are used often to describe exactly what we are to praise or bless in our lives. I believe there are two main things that the Bible tells us over and over to praise and bless. The first is that we are to bless and praise our circumstances. We may not always like what is happening to us, but we must understand that this is part of God's plan for us. We should never murmur or complain, but accept them as part of God's will. We learn and grow in faith when bad things happen to us, and as Paul said we need to be content with our situations. In most situations, what we see is not what God sees, as it is usually through our tough times that our lives change. When we lose our jobs, many times we get a better job. All of our circumstances have gotten us where we are today. It is not by chance, but it is part of God's plan for us. The second is that we are to praise and bless the Lord. You might say that the Lord does not need to be praised and blessed, as He is already blessed, but when we bless Him, He blesses us back. We must remember that when we bless the Lord, He forgives all our sins, and heals all of our diseases. If you sow blessings you will reap blessings. I would encourage you to begin to think about blessing your circumstances, and not murmur and grumble about them. But above all, bless and praise God, and throughout your day, He will in turn bless you.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Be A Peace Maker

Be A Peace Maker

"A greedy man stirs up dissension, but he who trusts in the Lord will prosper."
Proverbs 28:25

Dissension always causes trouble, as out of any dissension usually brings evil. I know it is extremely difficult to not become defensive, when someone attacks us by speaking out against us, as our first thoughts are to attack them and retaliate. During my business career, I have had situations where people would tell lies to cover their own deficiencies, and I would be forced to defend my position. Often we want to retaliate and tell them off, but the Lord says, "Vengeance is mine." The Lord tells us that He will fight for us, and that we should bless and pray for our enemies. It tells us to turn the other cheek. I have usually made the decision to not enter into these kind of situations, with the idea of viscous attacks against them, but to let the matter subside quietly. I turned these situations over to God, as it was His problem, not mine to change the heart of the other person. I believe I have prospered in these situations, as God has blessed me throughout the years in all of my work situations. If you are dealing with dissension in your life today, with someone at your job, your school, your neighborhood, or where ever it might be, don't try to retaliate, and say things you may later regret, but rather turn it over to God. Pray for your accuser and let God deal with them and their heart. Dissension is something that you can't afford, as it will cost you worry, your time and your peace of mind. I pray that you will avoid dissension in your life, but when you are faced with it, turn it over to God. Be the peace maker and let God deal with your accuser.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Remaining Faithful

Remaining Faithful

"After Job had prayed for his friends, the Lord made him prosperous again and gave him twice as much as he had before."
Job 42:10

When we look at the life of Job, we can see how Satan can affect our life. Many people may feel that Job's trials were a blessing from God, but when we read the whole story of Job, we find that it was Satan who had inflicted all the pain and suffering. Job's afflictions were a captivity from Satan, instead of a blessing from God. There was something that Satan saw, where he thought he could persuade Job to turn from his righteousness and God, and that he could win him over. As we know Job suffered, like not many men have suffered, but he did not give in to Satan's attacks, and in the end was victorious. God did not intervene, but let Satan have his will, but Job still prevailed, because of his faith in God. When you read the full story of Job, you find that Satan, not God, robs Job of everything. In the end we find that God gives much more to Job than he ever had, as a gift for his faithfulness to withstand his pain and suffering, to still not give in. If there is an area in your life today where you are weak and vulnerable, Satan will use this as an opportunity to rob you, just as he did with Job. People have always emphasized Job's trials, rather than the story's ending. The book of James (5-11) tells us to look at what the end result was of Job's suffering. Job's trials lasted only about nine months, but he lived for 140 years. The Bible tells us also that we should thank God for the trials and afflictions that may befall us, as this is the way that God can bless us when we remain faithful to Him.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Strength From God

Strength From God

"I will come and proclaim your mighty acts, O Sovereign Lord; I will proclaim your righteousness, yours alone."
Psalm 71:16

This is a good scripture, and could be the spiritual theme of your life. Many times during my life I have felt weak, when some project or situation occurred where I was not properly prepared for. God tells us that during these times that we should rely upon Him for strength to get us through. I know that during many of these times, when I thought things would not work out for the best, when I was not ready, that some of them worked out beautifully. God will give us strength to deal with our tough situations, even if we aren't prepared, as He knows all things and will not let us be overwhelmed and defeated. When we look at Samson, he seemed to be defeated, as he had lost his strength, but God gave him the power and the strength to be victorious. God not only can strengthen our inner self, but He can also impart strength to our physical being. The Bible shows us many instances, such as Samson, of supernatural strength and endurance, being given to a mortal man, when he was doing God's work for the Kingdom. Even Jesus had a man's body, but God's supernatural strength. If you are facing some struggle today, that you need additional strength to get through, ask God to provide you with strength to endure it, and be victorious. Claim God's strength in your situation, and don't let Satan convince you that you are weak and a failure. Think that you are strong, and that God is with you supporting you and giving you strength. Grasp the strength that God is giving you, and let your day be mighty in Him.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

God Will Provide

God Will Provide

"Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this."
Psalm 37:5

Several years ago one of my readers, a 29 year old lady, in the Philippines asked Jesus into her heart, through my devotionals. Since that time I have kept in touch with her almost on a weekly basis. Recently she asked me if she should get married, as she had met a man that was not a Christian. I sent her scriptures from the Bible about God's views on marriage, and later she said that she had decided against marrying this man, because he did not believe in God. She said that, "It doesn't matter if I never marry, Jesus is my sufficiency. If he wants me to find a husband, He will bring me the best." Just recently she has found a man, that goes to her church and is a Christian, and they are planning to get married later. This young lady had committed her life totally to God, and when she had done so the Lord had brought her desires to fulfillment. If you find yourself in some situation where you need to have God intervene in your life, be patient, and wait for Him. God hears your prayers, and if you commit your life to serving Him, he will answer you. It may not be in the time frame you would like, but God is faithful, and in His time He will answer. You need to continue to have faith, and trust in God in all things, as with God nothing is impossible. While you are waiting for God to intervene in your circumstances, read your Bible and pray, and be specific about what you are asking for. Remember the persistent widow, and how she never gave up asking God for her needs to be met. God wants you to be committed, and in His time your needs will be met.

Friday, August 19, 2011

Control Your Desires

Control Your Desires

"Then after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death."
James 1:15

I am afraid that many people in today's culture let their desires get out of control. I have seen families desire to be in the elite crowd, and be socially accepted, get themselves in terrible situations financially and destroy their lives. They buy the big house, drive the big car, belong to the country club, and have all the so called luxuries that define success in our world today. All of these things are not bad, but so often they lead these families to do things that are wrong and sinful. Many of these, so called socialites, become alcoholics, become addicted to drugs, forget about God, and do other things just to be accepted in the social climate of this world. When desires are focused on being accepted by the world, it leads to sin and more sin, as this is what the world demands to be accepted. If you find yourself today struggling to be accepted by the world, and all your time, your talents and your efforts are directed to blending in with your social crowd, it is time for you to step back and reevaluate your life. You need to realize that the number one focus in your life must be God. You must make Him number one in all that you do, and establish a relationship with Him by daily prayer and reading the Bible. Your wants and desires need to be aligned with God's plan for your life, and when they are, you will have your priorities straight. One day your life will end, and all the things of this world will pass away, and the only thing that will matter at this time is whether you know Jesus as your Savior. Don't let your desires keep you from experiencing an eternity in Heaven.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Don't Be Afraid

Don't Be Afraid

"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline."
2nd Timothy 1:7

God does not want us to go through life being afraid. Fear can destroy us, and cause much pain and suffering if we allow it. During my teen age years I had a speech problem, as I stuttered, which was probably inherited from my father, as he also had a problem. I was afraid to speak in front of the class at school, and many times had other children make fun of me. This was a very frightening time during my life, and one that I would like to forget. However, I slowly grew out of this phase, as I got to college and had a successful business career. Although this problem still haunts me, most people don't realize a problem still exists within me. As I have gotten older and wiser, I realize that my fear of talking, was something that God gave me to humble me, as I now know that if I had not had this problem I would have thought of myself as being superior to others, as I have always been very confident of my abilities in all other areas of my life. I now realize that this was God's way of letting me know that I could not control all things, but I needed Him to direct this part of my life. I conquered my fear, but I was always humbled by this one aspect of my life. I believe God worked this defect in me for my good and also His good, as I know I am vulnerable, and can't do all things on my own. If you are dealing with some aspect of fear in your life today, it may also be God's way of telling you that you are also not invincible and need Him. He doesn't want you to be afraid, but wants you to recognize that you need Him in your life, to give you strength to conquer your fear.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

God Cares For You

God Cares For You

"The salvation of the righteous comes from the Lord; he is their stronghold in time of trouble."
Psalm 37:39

During our lives there will be times that all of us will experience tough times. Many of you will face death, where someone you love will die. It could be a parent, grandparent, a close relative or friend, but you will experience what it means to lose someone you love. Most of you will encounter other tragedy's such as the loss of a job, a failed marriage, a health issue or some other catastrophic event. For those of you who have suffered any kind of tragic event, you probably felt all alone during this time, as it may have seemed that others around you did not notice or care. Their lives were as normal as usual. as they went to work, to school, to their ball games, and other activities as if nothing happened. You may have even thought to yourself, "Does God even care." When we look at Jeremiah when he considered the suffering of his people. Jerusalem had been destroyed and its people carried off to Babylon. Jeremiah was concerned that no one seemed to care, but them he remembers that the Lord cares and that His love never ends. "Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail." Lamentations 3:22 You need to realize that every time you have had troubles in your life, that God cared for you. He felt your pain, and allowed you to survive. In God's plan for your life, He knew all of these things in advance, and it was all part of His will. Even though we don't always understand why tragic things happen to us, we must never forget that it was God's will, but He promises brighter days ahead.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

God's Patience

God's Patience

"What if only ten can be found there? He answered, For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it."
Genesis 18:32

The scripture above is God's response to Abraham, who was asking Him to spare Sodom and Gomorrah from destruction. Abraham had already asked God five times to spare them at higher numbers, but wanted to bargain with God. In other devotionals I have talked about patience, but in this one I want to discuss God's patience. In this example, God had been patient with Sodom and Gomorrah, and agreed to not destroy them even if only a few people, out of the whole city, still obeyed Him and His commandments. God is still patient with us today, as He sometimes waits a lifetime for us to repent, and ask Him into our hearts. Would we be as patient as God is? Think back about your own life, and all the things that you have done. Many of you have done terrible things in your life. Some of you have been a thief, some have been addicted to drugs or alcohol, some have cheated on your spouse, maybe even some have committed murder, but none of you are perfect as you all have sinned. God has been patient with you during this time, and has been watching you, and knows all the sinful things you have done. However, the difference between God and you, is that God is patient, and is willing to forgive all your sins, and forget about all your past. He is not like you, as you probably become impatient if you wait a few minutes to be served dinner at a restaurant, or wait in line at the grocery store. Regardless of what you have done God is patiently waiting for you to turn your life over to Him, and give you an eternal life in Heaven, as He loves you.

Monday, August 15, 2011

The Love Of Money

The Love Of Money

"For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil."
1st Timothy 6:10

Throughout the Bible there are scriptures similar to the one above that tells us to not to fall in love with money or material things. God does not want you to not have wealth or material possessions, but when these things become your God's and your idols, that is when they become dangerous. God gives you everything that you have, and you should hold it with an open hand, and realize that He has allowed you to receive it, and could easily take it away. If you hold it tightly to your chest and claim it as yours, that you earned it by yourself, and do not give your tithes from it willingly, you are not handling your wealth correctly. You should freely accept God's gifts, and never hold on to anything that would cause you catastrophic sorrow if it were removed. I know that this is a hard way to live in today's society, as the world teaches you how to say "that's mine" by the age of two. Most people are in a mad dash to get as much as they can, and spend their entire lives focused on accumulating wealth and material things. God knows just how powerful money can be, and warns us that it's next to impossible for a rich man to enter into Heaven. (Matthew 19:24) Everyone has wants and desires, however they must be kept in the proper perspective, and not let them become the focus of our lives. God should come first in our lives, and if our pursuit of money and wealth gets in the way, then it has crossed the line and becomes sinful. God wants us to give up our hunger to make ourselves first, but rather make Him first. When God is first, then we will prosper.

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Cast Your Worry On God

Cast Your Worry On God

"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."
1st Peter 5:7

Over the years I have noticed photographs of our presidents, before their terms of office began, and then after it had ended. Most of them, had during their terms in office, aged dramatically, much more so than they would have, had they not been president. Each of them had carried the cares of our nation on their backs, which had caused a physical deterioration. When you worry, you are carrying your cares, and oftentimes it can cause you to also deteriorate physically. Worry is very dangerous, as is evidenced by high blood pressure, fatigue, depression and many other affects that it causes to our bodies. Your body, your mind, and emotions were not designed to carry worry, and is some cases worry causes mental breakdown and physical collapse. God doesn't want us to worry and tells us in the scripture above, and many others, to cast all our worry and anxiety on Him. Today, if you are struggling with worry about any situation that is facing you, I would encourage you to literally do this: lift your hands up as though you are holding all the cares and worries that you are dealing with and throw them to God. Say, Lord, "I cast all of my cares and worries on you." "Lord, I know that you love me, and care about me, and I need your help as my load is too great for me to handle by myself." God promises that He will provide all your needs, that He will hear your prayers and will help you. God tells us throughout scriptures that He provides for all areas of our lives, and when you turn to God in your time of distress, He will hear you and rescue you.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Are You Seeking God

Are You Seeking God

"He did evil because he had not set his heart on seeking the Lord."
2nd Chronicles 12:14

It takes discipline to worship God. When you ask Jesus into your heart, and begin to build a relationship with Him, it takes discipline to make Him part of your daily life. God wants you to make Him number one in your life, which means that He comes before your family, your jobs, your school, your friends and neighbors, and before all your hobbies, social events and all other things you have going in your life. You must have your heart set upon seeking the Lord, in all that you do. You must spend time with God each day, praying to Him, and renewing your mind to receive God's word, so you will be spiritually in tune with Him. Many times we become involved in sin because we have not spiritually prepared ourselves before we begin our day. It is good to seek God before you begin your day, and get in His presence, by praying and reading His Holy Word. Then you are more equipped to face any trial or trouble that may come your way. It may be difficult for you to find time for God when you wake up, but this is where you must become disciplined and force yourself to seek Him. Maybe it takes getting up a few minutes earlier, to read your Bible and pray, but I cannot emphasize how important this is. You need to discipline yourself to seek God every morning. When God helps you to go out to "meet the day" you are prepared for good things, not evil things. When your temptations come, and they surely will, you will have God with you to resist them. You need to prepare your hearts on seeking the Lord, and then He will lead and guide you in the hours ahead.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Our Time Is Short

Our Time Is Short

"But you came and defiled my land and made my inheritance detestable."
Jeremiah 2:7

During the past year the news out of Washington has been all about the debt ceiling, and the mountain of debt the United States owes, because as a nation we are spending more money than we are taking in. I am not a politician, but I feel that the battles we are facing as a nation, is due to getting away from Biblical principles and values. We have abandoned God, taking Him out of our schools, our government, endorsed abortion, and approved same sex marriages. I have felt for some time now that God is turning His back on our nation, and allowing these things to happen, as a form of His judgment, because we have turned our back on Him. I feel that our nation is suffering a spiritual crisis, much more than a financial crisis. Our nation has prospered in the past by keeping God present in our government, as regardless of what political party was in power, they still kept Godly values in focus, and governed by Biblical principles. God gave our leaders wisdom and understanding from the time our great nation was founded, because they kept their eyes on Him. But now they have turned away from these values, and no longer have their eyes on God. The wisdom they need to govern our nation, according to Biblical standards has dried up, and is not there, as God is turning His back on us. The financial issues, the defense issues, the social issues, the civil rights issues that are facing us today is just a glimpse of what will come, if we continue in this path. We will soon become the modern Sodom and Gomorrah, and God will bring down His wrath and punishment against us, unless we repent and turn back to God. Our time is short.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Resist The Devil

Resist The Devil

"Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you."
James 4:7

Over the years when I have been tempted to do anything wrong, I have said to myself that it is the devil that is tempting me, and that I need to resist him. How many times have you said this to yourself when you are tempted? It is important to keep this in your mind, however you will not be able to resist the devil, unless you have submitted to God first. When we find ourselves in difficult situations, we must look at ourselves and ask, "Have I submitted to God in this area of my life, this situation, or this circumstance." Once we have truly submitted to God, we than have the power to resist the devil, but unless God is with us, more than likely we will succumb to the evil and do wrong. Sometimes when we are caught in the middle of a difficult situation, our worldly instincts tell us that we must rely on worldly understanding and worldly solutions. We try to analyze the problem, and try to solve the problem by ourselves, instead of turning it over to God. If you are facing a difficult decision today, don't try to solve it yourself, but turn it over to God, and let Him help you deal with it. Although you may think you have the answer, using your worldly judgment, it is better to let God help you, as if you have not asked God for help, it may be Satan that is leading you and guiding you. Don't be ignorant of the devil's devices, but see him for what he is and what he is doing. Don't be fooled by him, but rather turn your situation over to God first, as then you will be able to resist the devil, and do what is right, as God will be leading and directing your path.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Don't Love The World

Don't Love The World

"Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him."
1st John 2:15

Early on in my career I had one of my board members, who was a very wealthy man, and was well respected in the community, ask me to purposefully misrepresent a financial statement, because it would make the hospital look better for a bond issue which was about to go public. I knew this was the wrong thing to do, and told him that I would not do it, as it was illegal. He stated that businesses did this kind of thing all the time, however I resisted and did not give in to his demands. I remember asking him if he was a Christian, which he immediately said yes, and told me that he attended church every Sunday, and was even a deacon in his church. I asked him if he thought this was a Christian thing to do, and his reply was that this was a business decision instead of a religious issue. I am afraid that there are too many people like this in our society, who are only Sunday morning Christians. They put on a front to everyone, but when it comes to really acting out their faith, they fall short, as the worldly things are more of a priority in their lives than their spiritual priorities. You cannot have one foot in the world, and another foot with God. You cannot straddle the fence and be Christian sometimes and not at other times. You have to be Christian all the times, and even when you are faced with doing right or wrong, you can never compromise your values and standards, regardless of what pressures come to bear. You must cast off worldly thoughts and realize that the world will damage and destroy you if you let it.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Do You Want Peace

Do You Want Peace

"Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord."
2nd Peter 1:2

We live in a day where everyone wants peace, as their daily life is so full of busyness, that nothing ever seems to settle down. People go from one thing to another and never have time to just sit back and enjoy life. They want it so desperately, yet very few have real peace. The Bible talks much about peace, as a life centered around God brings peace, as the distractions and struggles of life do not affect you, if you put God in control. We have some relatives whose lives has been nothing but chaos for years now, as one problem after another keeps coming up in their lives, which causes worry and frustration, and their whole world seems like it is out of control. We have talked to them through the years about God, and have begged them to accept Jesus, but they haven't made a commitment yet. Their problems grow and multiply daily, and they never seem to be content with anything, and are always looking for something, but never finding any kind of peace. The reason there is so little peace in their lives is because there is so little knowledge of God, as they have not made Jesus the Lord of their lives. The more we know Jesus, the more we will find peace, as the circumstances, desires, emotions, and all the decisions we make will slowly be less of a concern, and worry will disappear as we put our trust and faith in God's hands. The Bible tells us that God will provide all that we need, and as we depend more on this promise, the worries and cares of this world become less. God provides peace to all that seek it.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Help Others In Need

Help Others In Need

"If anyone has material possessions and sees his brother in need but has no pity on him, how can the love of God be in him?"
1st john 3:17

We live in a day when much of the world goes to bed hungry. The United States has been blessed since it was founded, however many of the third world countries have a tremendous need and deal with hunger each day. This problem becomes greater as it appears that many of the earthquakes, floods, and other natural disasters seem to further complicate an already prevalent problem. We see the results almost daily on our televisions, which show hungry children, and see starving people by the hundreds waiting for just enough food to keep them alive. The point I want to make is that when we see need around us, and yes there is need in our country, just not as prevalent as in other countries, what do we do about it? We can't sit still and say "Be fed, be clothed, and pray for these people" yet claim no responsibility. The scripture above tells us that if we ignore it and wait for it to go away, that the love of God is not in us. We need to have compassion on the people in need, both spiritually and physically, but we need to do something more than that. We need to find ways to help, either through your church, your community center, special programs or whatever means your area has to provide help for these people. If there isn't a program already started in your area, you could start one. You can't just continue to sit around and do nothing, get involved, volunteer your time, your talents and give your money to help others. God commands you to do this, and will bless you more than you give.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Bank Of Faith

Bank Of Faith

"Dear friends, if our hearts do not condemn us, we have confidence before God and receive from him anything we ask, because we obey his commands and do what pleases him."
1st John 3:21-22

When you pray, are you afraid to ask God for big things? If you are, you need to check your heart to see if your faith level is where it needs to be. Just recently I counseled with a man that stated that he didn't expect God to answer his prayers, because he thought that he was asking for too much, as his business was failing, and that all the circumstances were too complicated. He had received answers from God for some little things he had asked for, but felt that God would not answer this because there were too many details that had to be worked out. In situations such as this, there is nothing that is too complicated for God to handle. It doesn't matter how many details there are, as God can handle all of these, and bring things together if it is in His will to do so. My friend's faith level had taken a nose dive, and he was not trusting and having faith that with God nothing is impossible. His bank of faith was being depleted, because he was not depositing anything in it. The way you increase your faith is to read and study God's Holy Word, and build your relationship with Him. When you begin to obey God, do His commands, and make Him number one in all that you do, your bank of faith will grow, and then when you need to make a withdrawal you have enough faith stored up that God will write a check for. You must remember that when you pray and ask God for anything, you must have enough faith to expect an answer.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Love One Another

Love One Another

"Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another."
1st John 4:11

The only way to love one another is to first love God, and experience His love in our hearts. We must learn to accept the love that God has for us, and realize the abundance of it. If we rely on God's love, we find that He has an endless supply. When we try to love other people with our own supply of love, it runs out quickly. It is very difficult to extend love to others, particularly when they have offended us or hurt us. If someone tells a lie about you that ruins your reputation, so often it is hard to love them, as the lie keeps recurring in situations and being brought to the front. You may be able to think you have forgiven them, but each time the consequence of the lie surfaces, it opens the wound again. You may know down deep in your heart that you need to forgive, and love the person that told the lie about you, but you just can't do it on your own. That's when it's so important to lean on God, and borrow some of His love. I know that many of you may have people in your lives today, that have hurt you in some way, and you are having a difficult time forgiving them and moving on with your life, but you cannot keep this buried and expect to receive all of God's love in your own life. You must put aside all the emotions and feelings that you have about that person, and look at the big picture, which is that in Heaven there is not going to be any grudges, no anger, no strife, no hatred and no unforgiveness. It is important to love our enemies. We should do good and pray for them. In doing so, you can change them and also change yourselves, by loving them.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Meditate On God's Word

Meditate On God's Word

"May the words of my mouth and the mediation of my heart be pleasing in your sight, O Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer."
Psalm 19:14

As you think in your heart, determines who and what you are. Whatever we think about and have in our hearts, is going to come out of our mouths. Out of the abundance of our hearts will our mouths speak. It is very important that our minds meditate on the good things of God, upon His Word. The word meditate means "to go over and over", which means that we must study God's word and constantly be in it, letting it minister to us, and gleaning all the wisdom we can from it. I find that when my mind wants to dwell on ugly, negative things, the best remedy is to seek out certain scriptures or chapters of the Bible. When I begin to read these words of God, my mind will begin to be filled with good instead of evil. God's Word will become the abundance of my heart, and then good will come from my mouth instead of evil. Another special blessing that comes from meditation on the words of God, is that the scriptures will become stored in your mind, much like in a computer. Then, when you are tempted to do something that is not right, you will be convicted, by an inner conscience that this is not right, and you can turn aside the sin. You need to spend time in God's word each day, memorize it, think about it, speak out about it, but most of all act it out in your daily life. You must realize that when you are grounded in God's word, then every word that comes from your mouth, will be acceptable to God. Our words come from the strength of God, so meditate on His Word.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

You Are Not Orphans

You Are Not Orphans

"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you"
John 14:18

Within an eight-month period, I had a friend whose husband's mother and her own mother died. Although they both lived into their 90s, eventually their bodies succumbed to illness and infirmity. The full impact of having our parents absent from earth creates renewed sadness and a strange feeling of being orphans. The fact that both of them were the only children made the situation even more difficult. Cleaning out two houses and sifting through years of accumulated possessions, old letters, and ancient photographs brings pleasant, yet bittersweet memories, along with laughter and tears. Perhaps Jesus' disciples and followers experienced similar feelings of abandonment as they huddled behind locked doors following His death. They feared what might happen next. Would they be arrested and executed, too? Although Jesus tried to make them understand in the final days of His ministry, they were unprepared and stunned by His absence, and left with feelings of grief and uncertainty. All of us feel abandoned at times. When health issues, job losses, financial crises, and relationship problems overwhelm, it is human to wonder why God doesn't immediately swoop in and fix everything. Feelings of loss and abandonment seem especially keen at Christmas time, Sometimes we forget God is still with us. He hasn't disappeared. The Holy Spirit lives within, and promises to comfort and counsel us. He is a comforter, helper, and friend. Most of all, He is Father. Having been adopted into the family of God, we are not orphans.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

God Bless Our Nation

God Bless Our Nation

"Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he chose for his inheritance."
Psalm 33:12

When I look at this scripture I think about the United States and how blessed we have been. We began as a Christian nation, as our forefathers fled to this country so that they could worship God in the manner they wished. Our constitution, our Declaration of Independence, and our Bill of Rights all mention God. We were born as a nation of God, and we have been blessed for it. God has used America to bless the world, as we have helped many nations during their times of disaster, when hurricanes, earthquakes, floods and famines have devastated their countries. I believe we have been the salt of the earth that has lived for God until the past 60 years, but we are losing our saltiness, as we are wandering away from God. There are tremendous needs in our nation today, but there are still tremendous Christians that need to awaken and carry the banner, to again bring us back to God. We must begin to stand boldly for God, and speak out against evil, and not compromise God's commands, to meet our own wants and desires. We must pray that people of God will begin to stand up and defend what our forefathers held so dear, and fought and gave their lives for. I know that my father gave his life to defend our freedom, and our rights to worship our God, and I don't want his sacrifice to be in vain. Each day when we arise we need to thank God for our nation, and our leaders, and pray that He will give them the wisdom to govern us in a godly manner, but most of all pray that we will keep our eyes focused on God, as He will bless us.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Do You Trust God

Do You Trust God

"So do not worry, saying, What shall we eat? or What shall we drink? or What shall we wear?"
Matthew 6:31

Have you ever played the game where one person has to close their eyes, fold their arms over their chest, and fall backward into the arms of friends or co-workers? If you're the person falling backward, you have to trust that the people behind you are going to catch you so you don't hit the ground. I thought of that game when reading this passage from Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. I suspect the reason we tend to worry is that we're just not sure God is going to be there to catch us. We know God is big and strong, but somehow we're just not convinced that He knows our particular circumstances. Jesus is telling us in this scripture, that He not only has the power (beyond measure) but the love, the care, and the concern to take care of what we need. Jesus also says that when we don't trust God, we act like the pagans — nonbelievers. To them, the idea that God might act on their behalf simply isn't part of the equation. But to us who follow Christ, Jesus says, "Your heavenly Father knows what you need. Trust Him." Our task is to "seek first" (to focus, to live for) God's "kingdom and His righteousness." We're to make the Kingdom our top priority. We do that by investing ourselves in the Kingdom. We decide, by faith, that the Kingdom is where we're going to invest our time, our talent, and our treasure. It all belongs to God anyway. We can say we trust God, but too often, we don't trust Him enough to fold our arms, close our eyes, and fall backward, trusting that He's going to catch us. He says, O ye of little faith, trust me, and I will provide all your needs.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Confidence In God

Confidence In God

"This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us."
1st John 5:14

I have written several devotions using this scripture, almost always talking about that if we ask God anything, as long as it is in His will, He will hear us. Today, however, I want to concentrate on the word "confidence" and how it affects how we approach God, to even ask Him for anything. Confidence is important, because if we aren't confident, how can we trust? God wants us to trust Him for everything, and not depend on ourselves. The Bible tells us that God will provide all our needs, and we need to be confident that He will provide. I am afraid, however, that most people place their confidence in themselves instead of placing it in God. They want to do things on their own, and are confident in their own abilities, instead of being confident in God's ability to take care of them. Having confidence in ourselves is not a bad thing, but when we begin to forget that everything we accomplish in life is not due to our own abilities, but it's due to God making everything possible that we do. When you pray and talk to God, go to Him with "confidence" that whatever you are asking Him for will happen. When you are confident, you are trusting and putting your faith in God and expecting results. I know that during my entire business career, if I was not confident in approaching a large task, the chances of it being successful were very slim, but if I was confident that it would be successful, in most cases it was. Today, take just a few moments; get rid of any doubt and be confident that you fully trust God for your answers.