
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Don't Neglect God

Don't Neglect God

"For day after day they seek me out; they seem eager to know my ways.."
Isaiah 58:2

Over the years I have known many young men who God has called to be ministers, and have enrolled in a Bible college to become prepared to begin their ministry. These men were hungry for the Word of God, and read and studied their Bibles and prayed each day. The large majority of these young men complete their required courses, and become successful ministers. However, I have watched several of them backslide, and no longer want to become ministers, and have wondered, "How can that happen, when they receive in-depth Bible teaching daily, and if God had really called them?" In talking to many of them I have found that, as strange as it may seem, they often neglect their own personal daily relationship with God. They get so caught up in their school work and their assignments, that they neglect their own daily Bible study and their prayer time. I have heard some of them state that their classes take the place of their personal time daily with God. Such thoughts are dangerous, as each one of us, no matter what our call, must have a close, daily relationship with God. Sometimes, we become overburdened with things of this world, our jobs, family problems, health issues, relationships, financial difficulties or other issues, and don't take time to read our Bibles and pray. If you find yourself in this situation where you have neglected God, and have other commitments that use up your time, you need to change this immediately. Don't put God on hold, but make the time to spend with Him every day. God is important.

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