
Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Be A Peace Maker

Be A Peace Maker

"A greedy man stirs up dissension, but he who trusts in the Lord will prosper."
Proverbs 28:25

Dissension always causes trouble, as out of any dissension usually brings evil. I know it is extremely difficult to not become defensive, when someone attacks us by speaking out against us, as our first thoughts are to attack them and retaliate. During my business career, I have had situations where people would tell lies to cover their own deficiencies, and I would be forced to defend my position. Often we want to retaliate and tell them off, but the Lord says, "Vengeance is mine." The Lord tells us that He will fight for us, and that we should bless and pray for our enemies. It tells us to turn the other cheek. I have usually made the decision to not enter into these kind of situations, with the idea of viscous attacks against them, but to let the matter subside quietly. I turned these situations over to God, as it was His problem, not mine to change the heart of the other person. I believe I have prospered in these situations, as God has blessed me throughout the years in all of my work situations. If you are dealing with dissension in your life today, with someone at your job, your school, your neighborhood, or where ever it might be, don't try to retaliate, and say things you may later regret, but rather turn it over to God. Pray for your accuser and let God deal with them and their heart. Dissension is something that you can't afford, as it will cost you worry, your time and your peace of mind. I pray that you will avoid dissension in your life, but when you are faced with it, turn it over to God. Be the peace maker and let God deal with your accuser.

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