
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Cast Your Worry On God

Cast Your Worry On God

"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you."
1st Peter 5:7

Over the years I have noticed photographs of our presidents, before their terms of office began, and then after it had ended. Most of them, had during their terms in office, aged dramatically, much more so than they would have, had they not been president. Each of them had carried the cares of our nation on their backs, which had caused a physical deterioration. When you worry, you are carrying your cares, and oftentimes it can cause you to also deteriorate physically. Worry is very dangerous, as is evidenced by high blood pressure, fatigue, depression and many other affects that it causes to our bodies. Your body, your mind, and emotions were not designed to carry worry, and is some cases worry causes mental breakdown and physical collapse. God doesn't want us to worry and tells us in the scripture above, and many others, to cast all our worry and anxiety on Him. Today, if you are struggling with worry about any situation that is facing you, I would encourage you to literally do this: lift your hands up as though you are holding all the cares and worries that you are dealing with and throw them to God. Say, Lord, "I cast all of my cares and worries on you." "Lord, I know that you love me, and care about me, and I need your help as my load is too great for me to handle by myself." God promises that He will provide all your needs, that He will hear your prayers and will help you. God tells us throughout scriptures that He provides for all areas of our lives, and when you turn to God in your time of distress, He will hear you and rescue you.

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