
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Be Prepared

Be Prepared

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.
Proverbs 9:10

As I was reading the newspaper this morning I saw where a local high school student was killed tragically in an automobile accident last night. He was only 18 years old and will not experience a life that so many people take for granted. So many around us, die each day, and I am sure that many of them are lost, and have not accepted Jesus as their Savior. It is wonderful when people live to be an old age, and have had so many more opportunities to accept Jesus, but none of us are promised a long life, as only God knows what He has destined for us. This is why it is so important to get our life in order and be prepared for whatever our fate will be. We are not promised tomorrow or even the rest of today, as we do not know what the future will hold. We all will die someday, and will end up in either Heaven or Hell, as there is no other options available. I have discussed many times in my devotionals what Hell will be like, as it is a place that has been feared since the beginning of time, and is a dark place of endless night, and a dreary place with no hope. Most people think about Hell more and more the older they get, but for many there may not be an option as their days are cut short. The only thing we know from all the verses throughout the Bible is that Hell is a place where we don't want to go. Heaven is the only other option, and is a place where everyone should long to go, as it is a place of peace, contentment, joy and abundant hope. There is no worry, no trouble or trials, no sickness, only happiness. I encourage you to think today about your eternal future home, and be prepared while you still have time.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
February 27
Robert William Brock, Jr.

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