
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Secure Your Future

Secure Your Future

"And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear."
1st Corinthians 10:13

The world we live in today is much different than the days of our ancestors, as there is so much more evil that is paraded in front of us, through our televisions, our music, and the overall lack of morality that is prevailing in our culture today. The breakdown of the family is a prime example, of what has occurred in our society. It is reported that almost half of all marriages now end in divorce. Homosexual lifestyles are becoming the norm, and abortions are common practice in the world today. Temptations are everywhere we look, and is causing people to turn from God, and seek the ways of the world and the devil. The godly lifestyle and Christian values that our forefathers held so dearly, has been replaced with one that does not value life any longer, and has been compromised so much that there is hardly any resemblance to the values of yesteryear. Our nation is slowly, but surely resembling the cities of Sodom and Gomorra, that God destroyed because of the evil and wickedness that was prevalent in them. The Bible tells us that in the last days that nations will turn from God, and that this will be a sign that Jesus will return before the whole world is lost. The scripture above and others like it, tell us that we do not have to conform to the patterns of the world, but to rise above them, and follow the commands and the Word of God. Our God is faithful, and even though we will be tempted, He will not let us be tempted beyond what we can bear. Even as the world is decaying around us, don't succumb to the temptations of Satan and his evil, but seek first the power of God, who will let you have victory over the evil, and secure your eternal future.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
March 3
Robert William Brock, Jr.

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