
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

God Can Calm The Storm

God Can Calm The Storm

"He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak."
Isaiah 40:29

I just received a request from an old friend, asking me to pray for her, as she was going through some tough times in her life. So often in life we experience trials and tribulations, because Satan is attacking us to get our thoughts and minds off worshipping God. If we are constantly in turmoil in our life, we often forget about God and concentrate only on our troubles. This is exactly what Satan would like us to concentrate on and spend our time worrying and trying to just do damage control on our situations. When we spend our time worrying about just trying to get by the seemingly insurmountable problems of everyday life, there is little time left to spend with God and building a closer relationship with Him. This is why the Bible tells us that we are going to have times of trials and troubles during this life, but this is the time we need to be calling out to God to be with us during these times. Even though our problems still may be there, God can make them lighter and easier to bear. When God is by your side, you will be more at peace as He will provide comfort to you, even in your darkest hours. We see example after example in our Bible's where men such as David, Moses, Joseph, Jacob and the disciples ran to Jesus during their troubles, instead of running away from Him. They knew that God would be with them during these times and would provide peace and comfort. If you find yourself dealing with what may seem like a situation that doesn't have an answer, don't turn from God, but run toward Him. Ask Him to walk with you through your storm, and calm the winds and the waves. God is there for you, and will provide all you need to lead you to victory over the worst situation.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
February 26
Robert William Brock, Jr.

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