
Sunday, July 13, 2014

Drink Upstream From The Herd

Good Morning to all my friends. This is another day that God has given us, let us be glad and rejoice in it. My prayer for you is that God will bless each of you today and give you His peace and His comfort in all that you do. Today's Challenge---------------- Drink Upstream From The Herd Dedicated To My Grandfather: John Jeff Brock "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity." 1st Timothy 4:12 As I was growing up my grandfather and I loved to hunt, and we spent much of our days in the mountains. There were many mountain springs through the hills, where we would always find water to drink, and also most of the farmers let their cows roam the mountains. One of my grandfathers sayings was "always drink upstream from the herd." When I think back on this time in my life, I can see much wisdom in this simple statement. Throughout our lives we are all influenced by the people around us. We all meet, work with, and have contact with people, who have good morals, good family values and follow God. We also encounter people, who have very little or no morals, bad family values and follow Satan. When we encounter either group of these people, we have a choice to make, whether to gravitate to people who have their lives centered around God, or to people who are worldly, with their lives centered around Satan. Whatever group we choose to follow, this group will certainly influence our lives, and we will gravitate to their level. We can choose higher values as our way of life, or we can choose to lower ourselves to worldly values and their standards. My grandfather also had another saying "when you wallow with pigs, expect to get dirty". There is nothing that will influence a young person more than to get into the wrong crowd, as their influence will so easily lead them astray. Are you with the wrong crowd in your life, and are you "drinking upstream from the herd." My Daily Devotional Volume Six May 18 Robert William Brock, Jr. This is one of the 365 devotionals from my book. It is published by and is available at under the book section.

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