
Saturday, October 25, 2014

No Walls In Heaven

No Walls In Heaven "Who are you to judge someone else's servant?" Romans 14:4 Each day my daily devotionals are posted where people in all walks of life can see and read them. They are read by the rich and the poor, by the old and young, by the employed and the unemployed, by the sick and the healthy. They are also read by members of the Baptist, Catholic, Presbyterian, Methodist, Jewish, Muslim, Islam, Hindu and all other church denominations and faiths. They are read in over 150 different countries around the world that I know of, and published in newspapers throughout our country. This is a widely diverse audience that see a short message each day about God and the teachings of the Bible. I realize that many of my readers are believers in God and His son Jesus, and also realize that many of my readers may not have accepted these messages and asked Jesus into their hearts at this time. Regardless of what your status in life is today, or in what country you live, if you died you are either going to heaven or hell. Those that have accepted Jesus as their savior, will have an eternal life in Heave, while those that haven't will spend all eternity in Hell. There is not going to be any walls in heaven if this is your destination, as the Baptist are not going to be in one place, and the Catholics in another. The rich are not going to be in a palace, while the poor are in a shack out back. The old are not going to be in a retirement area, and the young all by themselves. There will not be a section for black people, and another for white people. Everyone in heaven will be together, as there will be no separation of any kind for the people who go there. So if you have any kind of religious belief, prejudice, racial or social issue against others on this earth, you need to realize that you cannot take this with you. Only those who believe and have accepted Jesus will be with you in heaven. Robert W. Brock My Daily Devotional Volume Seven October 25

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