
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

God's Laws Not Man's Laws

God's Laws Not Man's Laws "The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these." Mark 12:31 There has been much talk recently about gun control and the Bible. You don't get very far into the Book of Genesis until you see the first act of violence, as Cain kills his brother Abel. Since that first act of evil, human history has been fraught with man's violence against other men. Every type of weapon man has dreamed up in his imagination has been used to kill. The first firearms were invented in China in the 12th century. Our once great country has become evil, and is why the spiritual state of this nation is so critical. New laws aren't going to stop random acts of violence, but it will create an entirely different atmosphere than what we are living with today. If we would "do unto others as we would have them do unto us", we would "love our neighbors as ourselves." We would reject the violence that is glorified in the movies, TV, and video games. Instead of treating life like it has no value, we would embrace life as the special gift from God. Only true revival can change the spiritual state of our nation, thus changing the environment that exists today, which fosters random acts of violence. While the more spectacular acts make the news, every day in large cities and small towns, innocent people are attacked, hurt, and killed. This immorality is also responsible for a society today that actually embraces and cheers for the 4,000 innocent babies that are slaughtered every 24 hours in abortion mills. We don't have a gun problem in this nation, we have a spiritual problem. If every gun was confiscated and destroyed, we would find whatever was handy to commit acts of violence. The only real answer to the violence in our culture is to turn our hearts to God, and start living our lives by His laws. Our society will never obey the laws of man, unless we first obey the laws of God. Robert W. Brock My Daily Devotional Volume Seven​ May 5

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