
Friday, May 8, 2015

The Trumpets Will Sound

The Trumpets Will Sound "Then the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared to sound them." Revelation 8:6 This morning I want to talk to you about angel and what the Bible tells us about them. The mention of angels is found throughout the Bible both in the Old Testament and the New Testament. Many of us have been fascinated with angels and would do almost anything for an angelic encounter. The fascination with "angelology" has produced shows like, “Touched by an Angel.” But who are these angels and what role do they really play in their dealings with humanity? They have encountered many of the major biblical characters of the Old Testament from Abraham, to Daniel in the lion’s den. They have devastated invading armies and destroyed whole cities. In the Old Testament their main objective was to make preparation for the birth of Jesus, to announce His arrival, to attend Him after His wilderness temptations, minister to Him at Gethsemane, greet Mary at the tomb, and to attend His ascension. Other than that, there are only brief encounters, assisting the Apostles in the furtherance of the gospel by giving them direction, and releasing them from prison on more than one occasion. After this Angles tend to work mainly incognito, thus leading the writer of Hebrews to encourage his readers to entertain strangers because they may be entertaining angels. Their next big encounter will be at the end of days, when they sound a final warning to those living on the earth to accept the gospel, and make a dire warning not to worship the beast or take his mark. Angels will be used to sound the trumpets and to pour out God’s wrath upon an un-repented world. They will be used to accompany Jesus back in glory to gather His elect from the four winds, from one end of the heavens to the other. Through this brief summary we see that the angel’s primary job is not to minister individually to humans, but to take a much larger role in following God’s will to bring this dispensation to an end. Our job is to be ready, as when the trumpets sound it will be too late. Robert W. Brock My Daily Devotional Volume Seven​ May 8

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