
Sunday, January 15, 2012

Is God Your Priority

Is God Your Priority

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight."
Proverbs 3:5-6

I have always been very goal oriented, and have set daily goals, and focused my energy fully to accomplishing them. My goals have always been what was important to me that day, and If my goals are not accomplished each day, I feel that I have not given my full effort to the things that meant most to me. We can easily get sidetracked, by the busyness of daily living, and let little things take us away from the things that are most important to us. Your goals each day should include time to spend with God, in prayer, reading His Holy Word, and obeying fully His commands. These goals should be prioritized, and your worship time with God should always be your top priority. Making God first in all things, and setting goals each day, will help you keep your worship of God in the proper perspective. You must realize that Satan does not want you to make time for God, and will always fill your day with the busyness of meaningless tasks if you are not goal oriented. Selfishness is one of the ways that Satan comes at you, as if self gets in the way, you will use your time playing games on the computer, talking to friends, doing hobbies, watching sports, the list goes on. However, if your goal is to make God first in all you do, you will resist the selfish pleasures, and take the time needed for God. If you are really serious about making God first in your life, you must plan to devote the time necessary for Him. Set aside time each day to worship God, to pray and read your Bible. When you make God your priority and acknowledge Him, He will make your paths straight.
My Daily Devotional Volume Six
April 25
Robert William Brock, Jr.

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