
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

God Is Our Creator

God Is Our Creator “God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27 Last week as I was turning through the television channels, there was a program which I momentarily watched, which was talking about Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. The program was showing a progression of man from the so called apes to the present day form of man. I know that godless information such as this turns people away from believing the real truth of creation. I remember a cartoon several years ago showing a gorilla in a zoo, holding a Bible in one hand, and a book about evolution in the other? He was looking confused, so someone asked, “What are you doing?” The gorilla answered, “Well, I’m trying to decide if I’m my brother’s keeper, or my keeper’s brother.” The subject of Creation versus Evolution is no laughing matter as the sad truth is that our children and our future generations are suffering because of the evolutionist’s attack on the belief in God today. Unfortunately, many parents do not take the responsibility of teaching their children about God, the Great Creator, and leave this up to the ignorant multitude of liberals that are taking over much of our school system, and teaching our children this so called “evolution pollution”. As parents it is our responsibility to let our children know why they believe in God’s creation and to be able to share their beliefs. I would encourage all parents to make sure your child is not caught up in the web of deceit that is pervading our society on the subject of evolution verses creation. Make sure you are equipped to handle this situation, and are able to answer your children’s questions so they can present and defend their positions. It is extremely important to make sure our children do not begin doubting the real God and their creation. My Daily Devotional Volume III April 21 Robert William Brock, Jr.

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