
Friday, February 21, 2014

Controlling Your Anger

Controlling Your Anger “In your anger do not sin: Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold.” Ephesians 4:26-27 When we accept Jesus as our savior and become Christians, we do not lose our emotions at conversion; therefore there will be times when our emotions still bother us. We will experience times when someone or something will create anger in us, and ruin our peace, even though it may not last but for a moment. Some anger is sinful, some is not. God tells us that no anger should outlast the day in the scripture above. Anger that we carry around with us day after day is sinful. Satan can use our sins, especially those like anger, that is directed against others, to bring about greater evil, such as divisions among Christians. When we carry anger with us for a period of time we are committing a sin in God’s eyes, and allowing Satan a foothold in our lives. James 1:19-20 “Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man’s anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires.” Anger is an emotion that can drive people to commit greater sins than the initial injustice that may have caused the anger in the first place. This is the reason God gives us His wisdom on controlling our anger. We must be able to not let our anger consume us, and as the scripture says to not let the sun go down while we are still angry. We must not let the injustice done to us cause us to sin because we cannot forgive. When we are not able to forgive, we are allowing Satan a foothold into our minds, thoughts and our lives. Satan wants us to carry around anger, and not be willing to forgive others. Each of us needs to be able to let go, of both the large things and the small things, that provoke anger in us. We must be willing to forgive, and get rid of all anger as God commands. Robert W. Brock My Daily Devotional Volume Seven January 21

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