
Tuesday, January 28, 2014

You Are Not Alone

You Are Not Alone "The Lord your God which goeth before you, he shall fight for you, according to all that he did for you in Egypt before your eyes;" Deuteronomy 1:30 This scripture is an important one, that tells us that God is there with us each step of our way through life. I want you to realize that at one time or another in life you going to have battles you will have to fight, and mountains you will have to climb. The battles are not necessarily physical battles, as they may be battles with health, with a relationship that has gone bad, with financial issues, with a job loss, but these are battles none the less, and as you fight these battles there are times when you will feel like you are all alone in fighting them. When there are mountains and challenges before you it becomes difficult to try to navigate them on your own, and you may realize that you need help to get through what you are facing. It is then that you should remember all that the Lord has done in your life, and how He has always been there for you, keeping and blessing you even when you did not know how you were going to make it. Just remember that the Lord our God goes before us, and He will fight for us, just as He did for all His people in Egypt right before their eyes. I encourage you today to remember that no matter what it is you are facing, and how difficult it may be, the Lord who goes before you will fight for you. When you are facing battles and challenges of life, do not give up and become discouraged, but allow God to go with you to do battle. The Lord will make a way for you, even when it seems there is no way He will open doors for you, and lead you on the right paths. All you have to do is trust and have faith in Him to see you through. Just like the Lord did for His people in the desert He will do it again for you, and deliver you from your struggles and lead you to your promised land.. Robert W. Brock My Daily Devotional Volume Seven January 28

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